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Gunn jokes about anally child raping daughter too

Recently dozens of Gunn's child rape comments and jokes tweeted during and shortly before his tenure at Disney/Marvel (mostly 2009 to Dec 2012) re-surfaced before he hastily deleted them all. At the same time, his endorsement of convicted pedophiles and pedo-right groups (Nambla) were revealed.

A few days ago creepy photos of a pedo-themed party with Gunn were discovered.

Now, a video concerning a weird project called "LolliLove" showing a conversation with his wife in which he makes a creepy "joke" about him "breaking in" his baby daughter anally has come out.

There seems no end as to how low this man can sink. Joking about anally raping your own kid daughter is one of the most disturbing taboos you can break. Only the most depraved minds will find this funny or defend this.


^ I forgot to mention that in 2012 Gunn had to apologize for some depraved content he posted on his website (he did not apologize for the resurfaced tweets back then despite of what some people falsely claim) .

Here are some of his tweets:

- "I remember my first NAMBLA (note: North American Man&Boy Love Association) meeting. It was the first time it was ok being who I am. Some of these guys are still my BFFs."

- From his blog: "...story about a monkey jerking off on a boy, and his cum splash-landed directly on the kid...screaming and freaking out commenced - might be sick, but this story makes me EXTREMELY HAPPY"

- "I like the video where he urinates on a child" (about singer R Kelly, a pedophile)

- Husten Huddelston (note: a convicted child pornographer and pedophile) just linked this video about 100 pubescent girls masturbating on my Facebook. "I just came all over my face. "

- The first time I masturbated to [note: 15 year old] Justin Bieber it was a joke, but now I cannot stop! He's like jerk off crack!
- The Hardy Boys and the Mystery of What It Feels Like When Uncle Bernie Fists Me #SadChildrenBooks

- "I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Sssh"

- “I’m doing a big Hollywood film adaptation of "The Giving Tree" with a happy ending – the tree grows back and gives the kid a blowjob.”

- “The Expendables was so manly I fucked the shit out of the little pussy boy next to me!”

- "Eagle snatches Kid" is what I call it when I get lucky...

- "Tell your 3 year old about me fucking c-3PO, he will appreciate it when older"

- 3 men and a baby these men had sex with #unromanicmovie

- Shower was so weak felt like a 3 year old peeing on my face.

- In my new film jerking off is forbidden and a high school kid he jerks off before the others.

- “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"

- "I just thought about ass-raping my friend in her sleep"


I once knew a guy who would make morbid sexual "jokes" like this on twitter. He was one of my martial arts instructors for a few months. I didn't know him very well, but he seemed fairly ordinary in person

Years later I read on the news that he had committed suicide in jail. He was arrested after he showed his girlfriend videos of himself raping toddlers. When she reacted with disgust he raped her too. She reported him to the police and they found several other videos.

I can't imagine any reason why somebody would consistently make jokes like this unless they spend a good deal of time actually fantasizing about these acts


"endorsement to convicted pedos and pedo right groups (Nambla) were revealed"
Endorsement? That anyone could read "endorsement" into those jokes, in which pedophiles and Nambla are the clear butt of the joke, is fascinating.

"Joking about anally raping your own kid daughter is one of the most disturbing taboos you can break."
Not going to deny the concept is a disturbing taboo, which he is joking about knowingly, and not going to try to convince you as to whether or not it's funny. He doesn't actually have a kid daughter, but the character in this sketch does, you understand that right? He's not talking about his own actual real life daughter here.


Also just want to say, from this video commentary:
"That's coming from his internal world. Any of the crap that you see, any of the so-called art that you see in the world, put out by people, any building, the computer, the microphone I'm talking into were designed by people. They came out of someone's internal process. Your ideas, your mind, and it manifests itself through your heart. [...] The ideas come from your mind but the power comes from your heart, and you put it out in the world and manifest it. And this is his inner world."

This concept seems to be the main fulcrum that pivots people to one side or another on the issue of dark humor. I get why people hold this view, and there is often a certain truth to the notion on some level. But in my experience and view it's a huge fallacy to, first of all, imagine we know what's in someone's heart and where they're coming from, and also to think that what comes through a person's creativity is a 1:1 manifestation of what's in their heart. That is such a reductive, simplistic, broad-stroke/non-nuanced, presumptuous concept, and so often not at all true, especially when it comes to humor, as many who've built their lives around creating can attest to. The average absorber of media wants to assume that that's how creativity works, that those who can imagine and present fucked up ideas must be fucked up themselves, and they're absolutely not correct.


Endorsement? That anyone could read "endorsement" into those jokes, in which pedophiles and Nambla are the clear butt of the joke, is fascinating.

1. yes endorsement, google it, his old pal Husten Huddelston is convicted pedo and Gunn's comments about other pedos speak for themselves, it qualifies as network, there are journalists on this already, more will come out.

2.As for Nambla being the "clear butt of "jokes". Lol, that is in your head. All of Gunn's "jokes" are about raping or sexually misusing children and their sexual abuse & humiliation making him "extremely happy". NONE of the comments make fun OF pedophiles. Or show me just one that makes fun about the child rapist, just one speaking against Nambla amidst all the pro child rape can't.... What a pity that Mr Gunn also hastily deleted all his tweets...makes him look so innocent…

Btw, where in Gunn's Nambla "joke" is the build-up or the punch line to even formally qualify as a joke; looks like an ad absurdum interpretation on your side.

3. As for him having a daughter or not: this is a deflection, do you think it makes a difference in this context? Nobody here implied that he actually raped a child (yet). This is about people like Gunn promoting the cause of child rape in a positive, jokey way like with racist, misogynist or antisemitic comments (all of which he made too to a minor extent).

Whether Gunn possesses child porn (like his buddies) and whether he was involved in child rape, must be investigated by authorities...maybe we have a pedo-Weinsteineque beginning here.


"As for Nambla being the "clear butt of "jokes". Lol, that is in your head."
The whole source of this line of humor is via the absurdity/insanity of child rapists, thus making the pedophile the butt of the joke by facetiously embodying/engaging them.

"where is this Nambla "joke" is the built up or the punch line to even formally qualify as a joke"
Humor don't have to follow a specific format of build up, or have a punch line. The intended humor is in the irony and absurdity of such an open admission. It seems very obvious to me.

"As for him having a daughter or not: this is a deflection, do you think it makes a difference in this context?"
Yes, it makes a huge difference to me. If he actually had a daughter and was joking like that about her I would say that crosses a line. In context it's intended as "wah-wah" humor via absurdity and irreverence. Yes it's humor that some people will find hurtful, but perhaps the majority of comedy is hurtful or could be perceived as insensitive to someone from a certain perspective.

In any case, again, I'm not interested in defending any particular joke he's made here, but to see if I can't lay something down to get people to examine their arbitrary certainties on situations they're far removed from, and try to maybe open minds beyond general incorrect assumptions on the nature of creativity and creative people.

"Whether Gunn possesses child porn (like his buddies) and whether he was involved in child rape, must be investigated by authorities...maybe we have a pedo-Weinsteineque beginning here."
We most certainly do not have that. I'm not going to change the conspiratorial train of CSI LARPing imagination you're on, but I can tell you with certainty we do not have that.


lol he is so pathetic, it's so funny to see him implode as well as all his liberal friends who can't stand their outrage being applied to one of their own.


take a week or two off,
your post count is becoming embarrassing


Ok, so now we can fire Trump because he likes to "grab them by the pussy" without even asking.


185. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/13 **#2**
At least two actresses have spoken to news outlets and said they were told to pretend to act like tweens when they had sex with this child porn loving writer/director. When one refused to do it after the second or third encounter she was ghosted by the director. James Gunn


