MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > Return to the horror genre?

Return to the horror genre?

Possible silver lining for fans of movies like Slither and Dawn of the Dead '04.

Working in the horror genre perhaps does not require the clean image that Disney wants. Maybe Gunn will return to the genre. I really liked his previous work.


Most people did. I think this might get more backlash than Disney expects, particularly since they were aware of these tweets when they originally came out. It screams of pandering. It doesn't help Disneys face that people absolutely love his last few movies.


I think in the grander scheme of things, it would look hypocritical for Disney to fire Rosanne from her show, and then not fire Gunn for making the same mistake. That's the problem.


Was it the same mistake? I think a racist comment is worse than making some sick jokes about sensitive subjects like AIDS and pedophilia.


Who gets to decide which is worse? The problem with all of this outrage culture is that some babies are more offended by one over the other. And all of us adults just gawk in amazement that it's even real. So yes, it's the same.


Not the same at all. Disney knew about the tweets years ago. They just let someone, who's sole intention it was to attack Gunn, lead them to fire gun like a damn donkey following a carrot. It's one thing to actually believe what he said was wrong,but to be bullied into it is another thing


They had no choice but to fire him. I mean they’re Disney they can’t be associated with someone who joked about raping kids.


They already knew he had made those was public knowledge 8 years ago.


True. he already had apologized for them.

Then some right wingers started promoting the Tweets and the media caught on. Suddenly Disney decided what he wrote was unforgivable!


That's my point. It one thing for Disney to find it offensive and not hire him. It's a dangerous president when someone can purposely seek out information to claim offensive just for the purpose of attacking someone, and for Disney to be lead along by the nose so easily is just sad.


"Slither" was/is absurdly overrated (I wasn't impressed), but "Dawn of the Dead" was quite good.


Yes, a sequel to Super would be super, sorry.

Enough with all the singing and dancing Marvel stuff.


His work was great so far (and this comes from someone who hates the superhero movies for the most part). Unfortunately, we won't be hearing from him soon (( Even Spacey's chances are better.


I don't see this guy getting a big job any time soon. What studio wants the bad PR of hiring the creep Disney fired? That's gonna smear your film before the cameras even role. He's gonna have to embark on a crazy campaign about how people change and better themselves. He never actually did anything, just said crazy stuff Mel Gibson style, so i'm sure he'll shake this off eventually. But he's probably back to making horror films the rest of his career. Which is a shame cause Guardians 3 was definitely gonna break the billion dollar bubble.
