MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > RIP brainwashed GAY USA

RIP brainwashed GAY USA

You've let some ''elite'' Gay occultists deliberately corrupt your country and minds - even kid's ones..Trannies crawling around kids in nurseries?

Hollywood's and the Rothschilds/Rockefeller's et al agenda (and choosing ''Presidents' - even Trumpy)?



Trump wasn’t chosen by the ‘elite’ - though I’m sure a deceptive spirit will have you believe so.

It’s a spiritual war, a war that many were blind to, but as evil rises many are awakened to the very real reality of it.

The ‘prince of the power of the air’ attacks origins & perverts them, that’s how he tries to mock God, through gender, race, sexuality, and ancestry through the lie of evolution.

We are in unprecedented times, the world is seeing deception like never before, and things will continue to worsen until enough people have woken up.

...but, here’s the good news, the news that will still sound ‘silly’ to many because their eyes are closed, the news is ...

‘take heart, for I have overcome the world’

Evil is no match for good, & darkness is no match for *LIGHT!*


I heard that!


Yeah buddy!


The LGBTQ is comprised of the most courageous human beings in the history of the planet.


I suppose it does take a lot of guts to stand up and scream to the world that you are a perverted degenerate, but courage and goodness are two very different things and do not go hand in hand.


If it weren't for the LGBTQ the American military would collapse.


Yeah, I heard that drag queen show they had at Nellis Air Force Base was "essential to the morale, cohesion and readiness of the military."
