MovieChat Forums > Mayim Bialik Discussion > Going to register as Muslim to protest.....

Going to register as Muslim to protest....

She is nuts! Protesting the Presidents actions to protect our country is so insane she is certifiable! Good grief these liberals. Another show to stop watching, at this rate I can get rid of my TV.


Nothing in the world makes more sense for a feminist and Zionist than registering as a Muslim.

Wait, that's not accurate at all...


Yup, the hypocrisy of these liberal nut jobs is stunning.


A Jew registering as a Muslim. Why not just go the whole hog and register as a Nazi? Makes about as much sense.


I actually thought that she was a Muslim at first glance (from the name). Then I looked it up and saw that she was Jewish.


This hasnt aged very well. lol


She must have SOME intelligence since she does have a PhD (unless they are giving them out as the free prize in boxes of Crackerjack).

But the more I read about her, the dumber she seems in her personal life.


A doctorate requires a ridiculous amount of dedication and hard work, but high intelligence is not a prerequisite.


I've thought the same thing about a few medical doctors and a lawyer or two that I know. Some people are good at taking tests and giving all the right answers. But when it comes to common sense, as they say, common sense aint so common!

The longer I live, the less I am impressed with some professionals. I used to substitute teach and I can't tell you the number of notes teachers left for me that had misspelled words or bad grammar! Sometimes they would write notes on the board and I'd erase them and change them for the students.


In the last thirty years of my career, I've worked with a lot of people with PhD degrees, and I'm still waiting to be impressed. Anyone with an average IQ can get an advanced degree. It's more a matter of obsession and dedication than of intelligence. One thing they all seem to have in common--a bloated ego. Don't give them the deference they think they deserve and they'll be miffed.


Book smart & common sense are not mutually equal


How does someone "register" as a Muslim? or as a Christian, Jew, or anything else?

Is she converting to Islam like Sinead O'Connor? (RIP)
