MovieChat Forums > Bob Barker Discussion > I always got the impression he had compl...

I always got the impression he had complete contempt for ...

... all the contestants on his show.

I think he hated his job and felt he was above all the folks who made fools of themselves trying to win "a brand new car!"



Not all of them, IMO...I think he didn't have a whole lot of sympathy for people who didn't know how to play the games. I think he expected a certain level of competence and intelligence from contestants. He could be pretty blunt about it at times when it didn't happen. all worked for some reason.


I think he didn't have a whole lot of sympathy for people who didn't know how to play the games. I think he expected a certain level of competence and intelligence from contestants. He could be pretty blunt about it at times when it didn't happen.

Maybe that's why I got that impression. He could be very caustic at times.


Got any video clips of him being this way towards contestants? Never saw him back in the day...


I don't think he disliked most of the people on the show. And he was probably genuinely happy for them when they won, especially the putting game. But there were things they could do that would annoy him really fast, and even more so when he got older.

1) Touching him without permission. It was made clear to all contestants not to touch Bob, unless he initiated it. For the guys, just normal handshake, not to rough. And the ladies it was a kiss on the cheek, maybe a little hug from the younger ones. Don't give him a big bear hug, or pick him up, or jump on him when you win.

2) Don't disrupt the flow of the show. Over celebrating having the winning bid and not coming directly up to him, or not knowing where to go were pet peeves of his. Or taking too long to make a choice.

3) Not knowing the rules of the games. Yeah, this might have partially been him being a cranky old man, and thinking everyone should just know all the rules to all the games. Not like they changed much over the years. But even still he would carefully explain them to every contestant, and if you still screwed it up then you won his disgust.


Touching him without permission. It was made clear to all contestants not to touch Bob, unless he initiated it. For the guys, just normal handshake, not to rough. And the ladies it was a kiss on the cheek, maybe a little hug from the younger ones. Don't give him a big bear hug, or pick him up, or jump on him when you win.

Okay, I can definitely see how that would be annoying.

I just never saw him as especially charming. He should have been replaced when he was nearing his 80's, like Biden.


That seems too strict imo. Also weird how you can't touch him unless touched yourself. What if the contestant doesn't want to be touched as well? It's my show, if you're gonna be on it, only I can perv on you. Also, clips?


Not true at all. The only people he ever had (thinly-veiled) contempt for were the audience members who didn't cheer for him when he made his grand entrance at the start of the show. He'd always make sure to point them out! I went to a live taping of TPIR back in 2005 or so and Bob was awesome. Exactly the same guy off camera (during the commercial breaks) as he was when the cameras were on. He loved talking and joking around with the audience during the breaks. Cool guy who clearly loved his job! Pat Sajak too. Vanna was a frigid betch.


Vanna is a whole other topic! 🤣


Got clips of these scenarios?


No but if you watch enough Youtube clips (@TPIRBarker has tons of great ones) you'll start to see him do it if/whenever he walks out and notices someone not clapping for him. He'd always single them out in a joking manner but clearly it bothered him, otherwise he wouldn't have done that. He definitely enjoyed the praise he got from being the host and like many entertainers he would focus on the one person in the audience not clapping as opposed to the 299 others who were.


Wow, I never figured Vanna to be like that. Bob lived a blessed long life. May he RIP.


Vanna never once interacted with or even acknowledged the live audience and would quickly run behind the letter board during every commercial break, only to re-emerge at the last possible second prior to the cameras rolling again. In her defense I think she was cold in the skimpy dress she was wearing and had a space heater back there but it wouldn't have killed her to throw a simple wave or a smile at the audience who was clearly excited to see her in person. Nothing. Pat was a cool guy though, he stayed out there through all of the breaks and made jokes and chit-chat with the audience. Same with Bob.


i never got that feeling.


Others on this thread have confirmed it in more detail.


he was bored with it


Who ever watched that show unless they were home sick from school?
