NRA Film

A while back, Weinstein announced that he was going to do a film that would make the NRA wish that they had never been born or something. I haven't seen anything further about it.

Is there anything to this?


Michael Moore already did.


He certainly did...and it was a pretty decent film if a tad manipulative
And yet the NRA is going as strong as ever here in America
Let Harvey try next ( if he escapes these disgusting current allegations...)
He will fail as well
Too many Americans enjoy shooting sports and hunting...
I know i do


He certainly did...and it was a pretty decent film if a tad manipulative
And yet the NRA is going as strong as ever here in America
Let Harvey try next ( if he escapes these disgusting current allegations...)
He will fail as well
Too many Americans enjoy shooting sports and hunting...
I know i do

I do as well. In any event, there is nothing to Weinstein's plans. IOW, he has done nothing. Correct?


Correct Gary
They can tilt at windmills all damn day...nobody takes our guns here in the great USA
It IS kinda cute to watch them try
BTW... i totally agree with background checks, harsh sentencing for gun crimes and a wait period so nobody does anything stupid ...
That seems fair


Look at the trouble he's in now.


Thats disturbing stuff
'Forcibly performed oral on Asia Argento...' total perv and idiot if true...
I assume her daddy must know some pretty scary guys over there with connections here in the 'States... Im amazed hes still walking if thats true


This film might have been put on hold indefinitely. And that assumes that it was a serious project in the first p,lace.


Isn't the NRA in a tail-spin right now? I seem to remember there have been accusations of embezzlement.


As I understand it, there were allegations of embezzlement made against the CFO of the NRA but they were while he was associated with another firm, not the NRA.

To be fair, there were apparent conflicts of interest presented by this same man, but to say that the NRA is in a 'tail-spin' is somewhat of an overstatement. As far as I know, they are in good financial shape.


Got ya. Thanks.


Criminals, terrorists, and the mentally ill use guns to harm innocent people. NRA members do not. You could pass every gun law you could possibly dream up, but criminals, terrorists, and the mentally ill would still use guns to harm innocent people.


I'm sure all those NRA members in Chicago, Memphis, Baltimore, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philly who are holding their guns sideways and killing people are going to care.


Captain Oblivious makes up shit!


What am I making up? I was being sarcastic and referring to the ghetto rats.
