MovieChat Forums > Bill Maher Discussion > Finally starting to like this guy….

Finally starting to like this guy….

He used to be so smug, thinking he was with the political party that was cool and hip.

Now, he’s finally realizing Liberals can be the biggest douchebag weasels on the planet.

To paraphrase an axiom: How can you possibly be under 30 and choose to be a Republican? How can you possibly be over 30 and choose to be a Democrat?

Me? I’m an Independent. Because…how can you possibly fall lockstep on EITHER “side” and truly be…..objective? Impartial? Unbiased?


I saw threads several years ago that dogpiled on him for being a "leftie" but he used to take potshots at Democrats from time to time too.

I'm catching up on his stuff from the last two years via youtube. Now that we have so many dipshits at both extremes of the political spectrum, he's re-calibrating his position as I think most normal people are doing.

I like that he's always given a platform to those who don't necessarily agree with him too. I watched a bit he did on the 'trendiness' of trans culture and one of his guests was giving him the stink-eye, but he plowed ahead with his routine anyway.


The progressive left of today is the evangelical right of the 1990s. It’s really incredibly ironic and goes to show how the most politically radical are just a mirror of what they hate from the other side.


tell me you dont know what the fuck you are talking about without telling me.

the progressive left
-minimum wage
-cheaper education
-universal healthcare.

they would be centrists in 95% of the west, you are on some crack


This is exactly correct. Their control over their respective parties was and is wildly disproportionate to their numbers.


Now that we have so many dipshits at both extremes of the political spectrum

That's the key change.

Maher himself keeps insisting he hasn't changed, and I have to agree though primarily because I feel the same way.

The extreme left has just taken up too many facially ridiculous positions to be taken seriously, and worse their antics make it too easy for the right to take potshots at the entire Democrat party.


> Now, he’s finally realizing Liberals can be the biggest douchebag weasels on the planet.

He hasn't realized that ... he has snookered you into watching his show and increasing his ratings. You're not an independent, because a real Independent still would support or vote for a tyrant who tries to take over the country. You're a fascist troll.


You have no idea who I vote for.



LOL, I do too.


sooo a dumbs libertarian lol.

and thats not thinking you are cool and hip?

Hes a shill, in a corrupt two party system


Haha you think he’s any less smug?
