MovieChat Forums > Bill Maher Discussion > Maher's starting to sound like Tucker Ca...

Maher's starting to sound like Tucker Carlson

I don't disagree with Maher that the woke movement has gone off the rails. But so has he. Claiming that pedophilia is "rampant"? That the CDC has known for ages that masks are ineffective against Covid transmission? C'mon Bill - where is this crap coming from? He's not just losing credibility with his 180-degree switch- he's becoming the worst thing a comic can become: boring.


He says he hasn't moved -- the left has. I haven't been a fan, but anyone can see the left has changed radically over the years. They used to be the ones urging for free speech and telling us that the 1A protected even the speech we hate. Yes, screaming, "Fire!" in a crowded theater is still illegal, but stating your opinion is still protected, even if it triggers some wokester.


Example of him being "boring", please.


He's not wrong and has finally woke up and realizes that YES, the masks don't work and neither does the vaccine and the only reason you're finding him boring is because he doesn't support your Narrative now, right??


Starting to sound like Carlson? If that's true, it just shows he's becoming more rational. As far as masks are concerned, there is over a century of scientific research that establishes the fact that they do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. They are absolutely useless as protection against corona virus.


What research is that?
