
So no threads calling Kathy a HERO for saying stupid shit online or bemoaning the cancellation of her career. I wonder why 🤔


I am guessing she became so irritating and annoying no one cares either way.

As Oscar Wilde said - The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.


As opposed to the second rate actress who would be unknown to the wider general population if she didn’t force her views upon everyone on Shitter?



Both can be true at the same time. Your theory would be phase 1 and mine would be phase 2 with some overlap


People have forgotten her because she's so ugly and annoying.


Not exactly my point. It seems people only care about cancel culture if the person being canceled shares their own beliefs.


As much as they complain about it, the cons on this site love cancel culture if it means targeting liberals.


She wasn't really cancelled, she just wore out her welcome very quickly and with her friends, too. I guess she would be considered an insult comic, but they have to maintain some likeability. She didn't do that.


no one forced her to pose with a severed head of Trump, that was all on her. liberals now want to use drone strikes to cancel out republicans.


What's all on her? She's free to express her opinion isn't she?


liberals do what liberals do, which is hate.


How is foisting a severed head of someone (similar to ISIS beheading videos) comparable to say, what Gina Carano tweeted? Do you not think it is wonderful that Griffin could do that with absolutely no fear of reprisal from her government? After all, it was the head of the President of the United States she was holding. Last I checked, Kathy Griffin was still free and living a lavish lifestyle. What do you think this woman would be willing to do to live in the same free society Griffin does?

She got 24 years in some shithole third world prison just for having the audacity to show her face in public, and she did it knowing what the potential consequences were. So who is the real hero, Kathy Griffin, or Saba Kord Afshari? I don't know about you, but Kathy Griffin doesn't inspire me. Saba Kord Afshari does.
