MovieChat Forums > O.J. Simpson Discussion > Why do you think the OJ Simpson Case got...

Why do you think the OJ Simpson Case got so much publicity?

I think if something similar were to happen today it would get nowhere near the amount of publicity it did back in 1994-1995. I was very young when it was going on but it was impossible to not hear a few things about it back then.

The thing is you still hear a lot about OJ Simpson but when is the last time you heard any updates on Rae Carruth or The Chris Benoit Murders? They didn't even make that big of a deal out of the Jared Fogle case.


At that time he was, arguably, the most famous black man in the world(maybe Michael Jordan was more?).


Jordan was definitely more famous than OJ, and the other black Michael, Michael Jackson, was as well. When all this went down I was not very familiar with Simpson, but I definitely knew who Jordan and Jackson were. By the mid-90s Simpson was already long past his prime and no longer still playing football so he was a bit of an obscure figure for younger people who didn't really grow up with him.


Michael Jackson was more popular than Jordan even at that time.


Michael Jackson was more popular than Jordan even at that time.


No, that was Muhamed Ali.


He was a beloved figure on tv as an NFL Commentator. I think he was on NBC, and he had done a few movies most notable being The Naked Gun. It just came out of nowhere he could have committed these crimes.


It might not be as big today, but the reason it was so big was because it was the first major case of its kind. Not to mention the fact that OJ was a HUGE name in sports. I didn't even follow football and I knew who he was.

As for the two other names, OJ Simpson was a bigger star than wrestler Chris Benoit any day, and I am allowed to say that because I was a wrestling fan. Benoit was like 5'7" and had no business being named the World Heavyweight Champion due to his small stature. He had his fans in wrestling but very few people outside of wrestling fans had any clue who he was. Due to the fact that Benoit himself was dead, the case was pretty open and shut with no drawn out trial or "search for the real killer" type stuff. As for Rae Carruth, I have no idea who that is and I'm not even going to bother googling it to find out.


I think news "events" like this are just right out of the media's playbook. They have all sorts of other tricks to make money but this simply fell into their lap. A fading star brutally murders his ex-wife and her friend - the media would still jump on this story today and manufacture thousands of sub-stories to go along with it. It's just what they do and we the public fall for it because we're lemmings.
