MovieChat Forums > Ellen DeGeneres Discussion > Biggest narcissist on the planet?

Biggest narcissist on the planet?

She might even surpass Trump.

I believe Ellen Degeneres may be the most narcissistic person alive. Her entire show is nothing but ego massage, telling stories about herself and person after person praising her and crying over meeting her while she hands out these gifts paid for by sponsors as if they are from her, which they are not, despite her being filthy rich.

How many hundreds of millions of dollars is Ellen Degeneres worth? And yet "the show" is always putting up like low five digit sums of 10K or 20K to these organizations they promote for her idiotic audience to donate money to. And sponsors pay for "gifts" from her. It's like these celebrities worth eight digits who get fans to crowd fund their vanity projects rather than pay for it themselves.



I don't watch her daytime show because it's not the kind of show I'm into and don't watch any daytime TV. But she draws her material from her life, just like any comedian does. Seinfeld and many others did and do the same.


But having people, both celebrities and fans to praise and talk about about great she is. Literally every show. It's pure ego massage. Any talk show host could do that, I can't think of another in the same ballpark of having people on to do that.

Mind you, celebrities on talk shows have predetermined topics and conversations with the host. It's not spontaneous or genuine.


I've only seen clips of the show, so I can't comment. Maybe I should watch it so I can. She is a little different because she's a comedian, but I don't know the format of the show.


fake smile is plastered on her face 24-7........ weird shit


She is totally a narcissist.


My dad calls her "The Degenerate One." Sometimes I think the only good thing she did in her life was voice Dory in the Nemo movies. Otherwise, she is a waste of space.


Top Five at least.


PS But surpassed by Oprah.
