MovieChat Forums > Joe Pesci Discussion > Got minor facelift and began wearing wig...

Got minor facelift and began wearing wigs in the early 90s?

If you see him for example in Lethal Weapon 2, you can notice advanced baldness and his face looks 'normal'.

A couple of years later (Goodfellas / Cousin Vinny), you notice that there is absolutely no baldness in some movies and his face, around the eyes seems to have been 'pulled back'.

So I'm suspecting a wig and minor plastic surgery?

Just something I noticed watching some of his movies from that era... found it a bit distracting, that's all.


I've noticed it too especially in Casino, some scenes look like his face is stretched sideways.



What's especially odd is that there are other movies from that era, such as the two Home Alones, where he looks like he has not had any work done. Home Alone 2 more-so. In that flick in particular, Pesci looks older than he was at the time!


As a matter of fact, Joe Pesci himself stated that he got lifts and a wig to play the part of Tommy in Goodfellas, after getting in an argument with Scorsese who thought that Pesci was too old for the role.

See the Pesci interview about it:


Never knew that. Glad he managed to convince Scorsese!


Same. He was supposed to play Paul Sorvino's role, but Joe Pesci was obviously amazing as Tommy. Hell, he won an Oscar for the part.

He had the too-tight look with the outer corners of his eyes being drawn back toward his ears like a pilot in g-force training.


Okay, it wasn't plastic surgery but tape pulling his face back... maybe it wasn't that noticeable to audiences 30-40 years ago, but watching his movies today it is kinda distracting.


its well known that he wore wigs. how can you not know this?
