MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > Mark Hamill's wokeness upsets woke Germa...

Mark Hamill's wokeness upsets woke Germans

Just another example of the Woke Revolution eating its own...


Infighting is a universal human phenomenon.

Because it's SO much easier to attack your allies than your enemies, your allies won't hurt you in retaliation.


It's not infighting. It's the cancel culture crowd trying to cancel each other.


In other words it's a bunch of dumb assess being dumb asses.


Infighting Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Definition of infighting. 1 : prolonged and often bitter dissension or rivalry among members of a group or organization.


There's also a tradition among leftists of trying to 'out-woke' one another. I should know, because, to my shame, I've occasionally indulged in the practice.

Right-wingers don't pose a psychological threat to one's ego, as a leftist, because we already regard their values and behaviour as inferior.


Right-wingers don't pose a psychological threat to one's ego, as a leftist, because we already regard their values and behaviour as inferior.

Too bad for you, it's the exact opposite.


I'm just being honest. I mean no offence. But I'm not going to filter my beliefs.


If you think you're being honest, you're seriously deluded.

P.S. Your A Fish Called Wanda name is incorrect.


I wasn't able to type the whole thing, for some reason.

Anyway, no need to be rude 'chilone'.


“I had no intention of violating the Network Enforcement Act & am relieved to learn that tweeting the word ‘gay’ 69 times with a rainbow emoji is NOT subject to removal under the @Twitter rules or German law,” Hamill wrote in response to the investigation’s conclusion.

No, that's not how you handle this, Mark. This is how you handle this:
"When you can figure out which German people are offended and what they're even offended by get back to me." People need to stop acting like they are guilty of violating some nonexistent "Rules" that someone is just making up as they go along as part of a personal power/ego trip.


"You are not being Woke in the way we say you should be! Please follow the handbook which is updated on an hourly basis! Do not, I repeat DO NOT FALL BEHIND all the latest policy changes and preferred words and terms!"

"Or there will be consequences!"


More communism forced up the ass, when will Hollywood liberals quite?
