MovieChat Forums > Walt Disney Discussion > What is the greatest Disney film?

What is the greatest Disney film?

I'm torn between Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmatians and The Little Mermaid.


Snow White probably has the greatest legacy.


To me, The Lion King. Hands down.


I would say Snow White. That’s the movie that created a whole new world of animated film.


I have a lot of respect for Snow White, and it has a very special place in my heart. I would say it's my 7th favorite Disney movie.


So what are on the top of your list, besides Lion king.


Beauty and the Beast
Sleeping Beauty
The Little Mermaid


So you go strongly for the animated. Their live action movies like Swiss Family Robinson, the Castaways and Darby O’Gill are also very high on my list.


Yeah, I have a few different favorite Disney movie lists. There's the animated canon like I showed you, but I like some live action ones too. I'll have to watch more of them to really develop my list on that, but I will say Old Yeller is my top favorite Disney live action movie. I also really like The Parent Trap with Hayley Mills. Haven't seen Darby O'Gill, Swiss Family Robinson or The Castaways.


I think Snow White began the move towards more realistic and complex animations, but Fantasia went one step further, (or several steps), to create not just an animated film, but a work of art.


Song of the South.




Are you serious, or just needling people. I’ve seen it when it was originally released & recently. Aside from the politics of it, I didn’t think it was a particularly good movie.


Hey it was one of the earliest color movies to use live action and animation... without it you would probably have never seen the penguin sequence in Mary Poppins or have had Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The actual story in a movie isn't always as important as the technical achievements that they often represent.


That’s a valid point. I found the animated sequences to be energetic and entertaining. The live action sequences tended to drag. James Baskett was great. He has an amazing voice. I found the little boy to be annoying.
My enjoyment of movies is mainly plot driven. I like hearing a good story. So, if I don’t like the plot it is hard for me to appreciate other aspects of the movie.


Fair enough, when it comes to older shows I tend to ignore the stories more and look at the technical aspects because story telling has just changed a lot over the decades and if I only went by the stories I probably couldn't get through any movies made before the 90's... MTV and the quick cut scenes has just become so common that watching old movies usually ends up putting you to sleep.


Now, I would have said the opposite. Classic old movies like Casablanca, Treasure of the Sierra Madre and In the Heat of the Night told great stories. All the new marvel comic movies seem like non-stop fighting with no plot.
( I know, that’s what old people say. )


" The actual story in a movie isn't always as important as the technical achievements that they often represent."

Now, that's just plain wrong.


Maleficent (2014)
Star Wars The Force Awakens (2015)


Bambi is brilliant.

Also, there is something about the ending to The Jungle Book which I find remarkable. Forget all the remakes and all that. The original film at the end when the kid leaves the animal world to be with the humans -- there is something really moving about that scene.

I'm surprised so many choose Sleeping Beauty, I need to check it out again.



Alladin, it's the perfect balance in animation and Disney musical and moviemaking.

It's an outstanding movie on its own, wether you like Disney or animation or not.

It's not as historically relevant as other Disney movies, but it's its pinnacle.


I'm torn between "The Apple Dumpling Gang" and "The North Avenue Irregulars"


The fox and the hound.
