MovieChat Forums > Francis Ford Coppola Discussion > Coppola backs Scorsese in row over Marve...

Coppola backs Scorsese in row over Marvel films


Dracula is like a superhero movie...


No, Dracula Untold is like a superhero movie.


That is more true.

However, his Dracula has the same quality. There's many tragic superheroes to choose from.

Superhero movies are allegories, which is like a religious story. Batman and Superman are obvious ones. The X-Men is an allegory about prejudice and the Holocaust at times.

His Dracula was that too. It's an allegory about consuming hate. The Hulk is an allegory about consuming hate.

These idiots are just jealous and they probably never thought about what they are talking about.


"Superhero movies are allegories,..."
"Dracula is like a superhero movie..."
All (or most) superhero movies are allegoric films. All allegoric films are not superhero movies. Coopola's 'Dracula' is not a superhero movie.


I agree with him, despicable is a somewhat harsh word to use.

Amusement park rides are better.

You have fun but don't learn anything.

***However the superhero characters can be highly influential in shaping young minds

Captain America - duty, honor, country

Iron Man- innovation

Batman- justice

Professor X- learning,teaching


So Coppola believes movies are for learning and enlightenment? Quite a few smart people, including Scorsese, think otherwise:

"Content has no place in the house of cinema." -- Martin Scorsese
"Movies possess unlimited power to entertain. They have, however, no power whatever to teach." -- David Mamet
"Whatever does not pretend at all has style enough." -- Booth Tarkington
"If there is any test that can be applied to movies, it's that the good ones never make you feel virtuous." -- Pauline Kael
"What I do deny, and am prepared to fight to the last drop of my ink, is the deliberate moralizing which to me kills every vestige of art in a work however skillfully written." -- Vladimir Nabokov
"An artist should have no purpose in mind other than just his art. His mission is not to clean the stables." -- Willa Cather
"Great art is not about ideas, but beauty." -- Terry Teachout


"For I consider that music is, by its very nature, essentially powerless to express anything at all, whether a feeling, an attitude of mind, a psychological mood, a phenomenon of nature, etc. Expression has never been an inherent property of music. That is by no means the purpose of its existence. If, as is nearly always the case, music appears to express something, this is only an illusion and not a reality. It is simply an additional attribute which, by tacit and inveterate agreement, we have lent it, thrust upon it, as a label, a convention – in short, an aspect which, unconsciously or by force of habit, we have come to confuse with its essential being."

Igor Stravinsky, An Autobiograph
