Baldwin Finished?

It's likely he's finished, people aren't buying into his deflective interview, there's plenty of gun experts debunking "I didn't pull the trigger", industry professionals are slamming him and Co for cutting corners to save money over the safety of cast and crew, I don't think anyone would wanna work with him at the moment after this because it would be too weird.


If he returns, it'll take years ala Mel Gibson. And like Gibson he will never return to the same level of star power as before


He also has a lot less time to recover than Mel Gibson did. He's significantly older than Mel Gibson was at the time of his (Gibson's) controversies.


Yeh Gibson was barely 50 when his life blew up .. And he never really got over it, its always there even now. its just never gone away. He was also a much bigger star than AB (Mel was full on A list. Baldwin was like B or even C list in comparison)


He's older, but he isn't ANCIENT. It's not like he's been doing action roles that would be impossible to do as an old man. Christopher Plummer is 91 and he's had plenty of acting roles the past couple of decades. Al Pacino and De Niro are old as fuck too

Even if Baldwin is blacklisted for 5-7 years, I see no reason why he can't return eventually. He'll be doing old man roles, but he's already sort of been doing old man roles because he got fat


Christopher Plummer is 91...

Christopher Plummer is dead.


Aww damn. I had forgotten about that. RIP

But still, he did have a lot of roles in old age


Oh, you're absolutely right about that. He kept busy.


mel gibson didnt even do anything wrong just drunk drove a bit and said some mean but true things about our jewish overlords. Alec killed a poor mother i dont understand how u can compare the two


I'm not making judgments on them. I am speaking realistically. He told his wife he hoped she'd get raped by N-words and said "mean" things about Jews

Is that as bad as killing somebody? No. But Baldwin didn't kill the person intentionally. Matthew Broderick killed TWO people and still has somewhat of a career

I am giving a realistic assessment of the possible outcomes, not what I personally feel OUGHT to happen


saying mean stuff to your wife and dropping the gamer word is 1/1,000,000th as bad as killing somebody


I am not making moral judgments on anybody. It's not like it's up to me to decide who gets to have a career and who doesn't

I'm just saying what I think the possibilities are. I used Mel Gibson as an example because at one point he was hard-canceled and he managed to make sort of a comeback

If Mark Wahlberg has a thriving career, then I think Alec Baldwin has a shot to continue having at least a middling career


shooting people especially woman, especially young mothers with children is about as bad as u can get. Marky Mark might have stabbed an asian during a hate crime incident during his youth but luckily for him his victim was a fully grown man. plus asian hate crime is taken about as seriously as white hate crime so nobody got there panties in a twist. if he did that against jew or afromurican he probably would have been fucked
