MovieChat Forums > Dustin Hoffman Discussion > Second Accusation rolls in ...

Second Accusation rolls in ...

Young playwright is invited to meet with the producer/star (who's supposedly interested in adapting a stage play she wrote).

Hoffman asks her if she's ever had sex with a man over 40, leans back opening his arms and says "it could be a whole new experience for you." Then he invited her to accompany him shopping with him at a nearby hotel, left the meeting when she declined.

Her agent said not to feel bad about it, "she'd heard rumors about him for years."


He should have known better than to behave this way.

What a mess all of this is. I've noticed it's taking a lot of the heat off of ol' Harvey. He must be so relieved!


I'd have at least taken him up on the shopping offer.

Get something out of it at least!

Bad news for movies is Hoffman is a fiddler.


I don't get what the accusation is exactly.Where's the harassment.He made a pass at the woman.She declined and he left.Nothing illegal in this story.Distasteful yes but not illegal.And this doesn't constitute harassment unless it was ongoing.Are we gonna start flinging mud at every guy who ever made an unwanted pass at a woman.because it's gonna get real dirty real fast.


Yeah it seems to be another one those #metoo things more to get attention than to show any serious wrongdoing. He wasted her time and that was wrong, but that's about it. Though if these kind of things keep coming forward its going to water down the more serious complaints that should be looked into.


I was just about to say the same thing. If asking someone something like that constitutes sexual harassment, then we'd all be single. (Although he could have said it classier)


<< If asking someone something like that constitutes sexual harassment, then we'd all be single. (Although he could have said it classier) >>

He invited her to accompany him to a hotel mid job interview, then left the meeting when she declined.

Why, sure...we'd ALL be single if we didn't do that.


I didn't know that aspect of the story.




<< She then had a second meeting with Hoffman and Schisgal to give them the revised pitch. But she never got to discuss the new idea with them.

“I go in, and this time it’s, like, Dustin Hoffman’s really different,” Riss Gatsiounis said. “He says, ‘Before you start, let me ask you one question, Wendy — have you ever been intimate with a man over 40?'” Flustered, Riss Gatsiounis attempted to laugh off the comment. But Hoffman persisted.

“I’ll never forget — he moves back, he opens his arms, and he says, ‘It would be a whole new body to explore,'” she said. “I’m trying to go back to my pitch, and I’m trying to talk about my play. Then Dustin Hoffman gets up and he says he has to do some clothing shopping at a nearby hotel, and did I want to come along? He’s like, ‘Come on, come to this nearby hotel.'”

Riss Gatsiounis added that Schisgal, who was also present, encouraged her to go with Hoffman.

“I’m just completely flustered,” Riss Gatsiounis said. “I don’t know what to make of this whole thing. And Murray’s like, ‘You can go! It’s okay, go! Go!'”

But Riss Gatsiounis repeatedly declined to go with Hoffman.

“And Dustin Hoffman finally leaves, because I’m saying I don’t want to go to the hotel,” Riss Gatsiounis said. “And then Murray Schisgal says, ‘Look, we’re not really interested in your play, because it’s too film noir-ish.’ And that was it.”





Say that you, Samoanjoe, went to an interview for a job, a really great job. And instead of reviewing your qualifications or taking you seriously in any way, the interviewer offered you "a whole new body to explore". You wouldn't feel physically afraid, of course, but you'd feel insulted and you'd know damn well you weren't getting that great job, and you'd probably feel that the interviewer was so monumentally unprofessional that getting him or her fired would be a public service.

See how easy it is to understand this problem? You just imagine it happened to you!


Soon looking at a woman longer than 1.5 seconds will constitute a sexual harrassment.


there's nothing in the OP story that mentions anything about staring...but if you find yourself doing that during a job interview, maybe ask yourself why (?)


That's a shame, her evidence seems to...oh wait
