whats woody done?

Is it the marrying his adopted daughter thing? If so that's been a known thing for decades..

Or is it something else?


Maybe scratching HIS woody while thinking of little girls.


He's not done anything beyond a reasonable doubt. There have been allegations and they haven't stood up. Like most men, he prefers younger women, and apparently that's now offensive.


Yes and never mind that his now adult daughter has maintained her story that he sexually abused her as a child. She was just brainwashed by her demon sorceress mother into maintaining her story her entire life. Pretty standard


Moses Farrow has spoken out against his mother, Mia Farrow, claiming abuse:



Ronan Farrow has spoken out in support of Dylan's long held sexual abuse claims against Allen.



Yes, he has; you might want to take a look at this for another perspective. This was written after Ronan's statement.



“I believe my sister,” Ronan wrote of Dylan’s sexual abuse claims against Allen. “This was always true as a brother who trusted her, and, even at five years old, was troubled by our father’s strange behavior around her: climbing into her bed in the middle of the night, forcing her to suck his thumb — behavior that had prompted him to enter into therapy focused on his inappropriate conduct with children prior to the allegations.”


I am familiar with Ronan's statement. Rather than pull individual quotes out of Ronan's statement, I posted a link that gived an in-depth response to Ronan.

In a case as complex as this, it is not as simple as pulling one quote without any context of the family dynamic or the history of the case.


Nothing new to those who were around 25+ years ago.

For anyone not familiar with the history:


There is a lot of reading and links at that site.

Including the latest as of Jan. 4, 2018: Moses Farrow's accusations against Mia.



You think that Ronan Farrow, Woody Allen's supposed son
that looks exactly like Frank Sinatra, but who Mia Farrow
told Woody was his son ... he is a good source of objective
material on this issue. I don't think so.


He didn't marry his adopted daughter, so that's your first mistake.


People who say that seem to not care about truth or accuracy, and they keep repeating the same things over and over knowing them to be BS.


Absolutely. It goes on all over the internet (and in real life for that matter), but I have a feeling the OP was trolling.





Mostly what he did was piss off the lunatic Mia Farrow
who uses, abuses and brainwashes her children.
