MovieChat Forums > John Wayne Discussion > Why should the John Wayne Airport be ren...

Why should the John Wayne Airport be renamed?

Why not?

John Wayne was a racist and a White supremacist - Why honor a racist if you don’t have to?

John Wayne has far less importance now, 40 years after his death, than he did when the airport was named for him - Times change and so do beliefs. John Wayne isn’t as well-known, nor as well-respected, as he was in the past.

John Wayne didn’t do much for the area or for civil aviation - The airport should be named for someone from the region, or for someone important to civil aviation. Wayne was neither.

Demographics are changing - When the area was mostly White, then naming an airport after a White actor may have made sense. However, as the Latino population has grown, it makes far less sense than it did in the past.

It’s not as if Wayne’s legacy is going to be rehabilitated - If anything, things are going to grow worse for John Wayne’s legacy as his children die and they leave behind things about him that aren’t going to be flattering. There’s not much supporting retaining the name now, much less in the future.


Young men today NEED a John Wayne type.

We have a new generation of momma's boy snowflakes who don't know the meaning of the phrase 'man up'. A bunch of instant gratification pussies who like to complain about everything. A generation of young men who aren't ashamed of asking for help, a generation of young men who don't know the meaning of term self-reliance.

Two, arguably three generations of men in America learned how to act like a man from his movies. Many emulated his behavior.

Yes, young men today desperately need a John Wayne type.

If Hollywood can change it's male bashing behavior, it might happen.

"That' ll be the day!'





It shouldn't. He is an American icon.


What did he say that was racist? Also since BLM was shouting "shoot the white folk" I guess that means that they are racist along with anyone who supports them so therefore all of them should be denounced as racists as well.


From a Playboy interview in 1971:

"With a lot of blacks, there’s quite a bit of resentment along with their dissent, and possibly rightfully so. But we can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the blacks. I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people."

So, he believes black people can be equal with whites one they're "educated" enough to be responsible. At best, that's patronizing and condescending, but it's clearly displaying prejudicial attitudes from my reading.

From the same interview:

"I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from [Native Americans], if that’s what you’re asking. Our so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves."

How dare those people try to keep their land. How selfish. Uh, me? Me and my ancestors didn't invade and conquer, we, uh...we *needed* the land. Yeah. Yeah, that's the ticket...

Again: 1971. It's not like he said this stuff in the '40s. We're post Civil Rights movement by this point in time; this dude had ample opportunity to know better.

I don't say Wayne was nothing by a villain, and he was born in an earlier era, so I understand why he might have some goofy, f---ed-up views on this kind of thing, but come on, that's racist.


I bet you ten bucks he will blindly defend John Wayne and deflect. Let's see if I am right.


Eh yeah that’s pretty bad, but John Wayne isn’t being honored for his support of racism so I don’t see the big deal, he was being honored for his iconic acting career. If the airport named it the John Wayne Airport because of his views on race then that would be a cause of concern. The truth is if you look hard enough you can find dirt on most historical figures heck our founding fathers were slave holders but we don’t honor them for holding slaves we honor them for what they did for the United States. Just like how some members of BLM may have sincere concerns however misguided they may be and I’m sure you wouldn’t define them by the ones who want to “shoot the white folk”, so don’t have a double standard and don’t be a hypocrite


And I wasn't commenting on whether or not he should have an airport or a statue or a museum or a library or anything else.

I was answering the question of what he said that was so racist, and that was pretty racist.

You can find dirt on anybody. The questions are: how much dirt? and, was it era-appropriate dirt? The Founding Fathers were far-distant past. Their idiocy with slavery should not be forgotten or overlooked, but it's very different because they were farther back and they did a bit more for America than make cowboy movies. Wayne supported white supremacy and justified the Native American genocide because his ancestors really "needed" the land in the '70s. Totally different contexts, totally different resumes.

BLM suck, too, but that wasn't what I was speaking to here.

My answer? Give Jimmy Stewart an airport. That stone cold rock-n-roller walked away from a lucrative film career to enlist. That's something The Duke never seemed to find the time to do. Stewart was the better actor, too.


Ok and I agreed those were racist statements, I still wouldn’t rename the airport because the reasons they named the airport the John Wayne airport had nothing to do with whatever racist thoughts he may have had. The founding fathers should be honored for what they did for the country not for holding slaves. I have no problem with giving Jimmy Stewart an airport either, he was in Vertigo one of my very favorite films and he was a great actor, heck I’d even say he was a better actor than Wayne. How much dirt you ask? That’s all subjective.

Edit: I’m glad you agree about BLM.


Wayne brought pleasure to hundreds of millions of people His detractors are just whinging troublemakers.
