MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The "Sissy" Stereotype in Classic Hollyw...

The "Sissy" Stereotype in Classic Hollywood (movie clips)

Plenty of gay representation in the 1930s (pre-code)! There is another youtube channel dedicated to pre-code clips.

Bobby Watson
Franklin Pangborn

Description contains titles and actors.

In a time when homosexuality was illegal, 1930s Classic Hollywood films commonly had so-called “sissy” characters. Clearly coded as gay, their effeminate demeanor was presented for laughs and ridicule. While these characters were meant to be mocked, they triumphed in their own way. They were bold in expressing their identity, were typically engaged in careers they were passionate about, and lived how they pleased, without caring what anyone thought of them.



Liberace was gay?!?!?


I remember having a heated argument when I was a kid with my mom about whether or not Liberace was gay. She insisted he was straight. Point is, that generation didn't even know Liberace was gay. It wasn't even a consideration. Different times.

The OP is full of shit. There was nothing sexual let alone homosexual about those "sissy" characters. Think Pee Wee Herman. His character was a nerd and a dork. He was never assumed to be gay.


There was no way to know if any sissy characters were coded as gay. Actors back then were mostly stage actors and it took a while for film actors to have their own way of acting. That's why so many actors sounded British up until the 50s.


c'mon man

OF COURSE 'sissy' characters were coded as gay. It was an outside inside joke. Were some people naive ? Sure - but not most.


"Such a muscle" [rolls his eyes] -- oh yah, he's gay.

And a classic:



Now that compilation says it all.


Okay, point taken, and they even made sexual innuendo with that character.

However, take for example Pee Wee Herman in his "Big Adventure" days. That character was never intended to be gay nor did most people consider him gay.


We can agree to at least slightly disagree about that. I'm not gay, but I do have a bit of gaydar. To me, he was a construct of a nerdy, prissy, slighty-on-the-spectrum emergently gay young lad. I wouldn't have been surprised if Reubens wanted to model that to give some social currency for the 'odd duck' kids, whether destined to be gay or straight. He occasionally did sly double-takes over attractive men.

Just my take. Your mileage may vary. ;)


Okay, still have to disagree. I barely remember the plot of that movie. But Pee Wee was in love with a woman in that film.

Just a side note, I've known some very effeminate straight males.


Yeah, I'm referring to the tv show, not the movie. Its probably not as simple as him being straight or gay. That would be a bit of a reduction.


Its probably not as simple as him being straight or gay.

That's my point. Until recently, in film and tv at least, there was no association between sissified men and sexuality.

I'm also thinking of the old school Victorian archetype of "sissies" - Little Lord Fauntleroy. These guys were usually portrayed as hapless young males who couldn't get a girlfriend.


No, he just never found the right woman😁


Straight from the horse's mouth


My grandmother had a crush on him for ages, we didn’t have the heart to tell old Nanny the truth lol. Nanny is long gone now and went to her rest oblivious God bless her.

Behind The Candelabra was a very good biopic starring Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. We really enjoyed it.
You might too.


I saw it, too. I thought it was very good.
