MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you do with your chicken Maxi Pa...

What do you do with your chicken Maxi Pads?

I hate that I can't buy raw chicken parts at the grocery store without getting stuck with those infernal chicken-juice-soaked Maxi Pads. It's not a good idea to just throw them in the garbage, because they'll stink to high heaven within a day. I flush them down the toilet, so the sewer treatment plant guys can deal with them, which I'm sure they get a big kick out of.

What I should do is return them to the grocery store; leave them right on the meat counter and see how they like that.




Alot of chicken to unpack.

Signed, million man


I put them underwater for a few seconds to squeeze out the blood then throw them away.


I do that with the ones that are sometimes in packages of ground beef (but ground beef from my grocery store doesn't usually have them at all, thankfully), but that doesn't work with the chicken ones here, because they are plastic rather than a fabric type substance, and they are filled with gelatin type stuff that you can never squeeze the chicken juices out of.

The fish ones are even more potent than the chicken ones, but I don't buy raw fish very often.


I have the gelatin type stuff too. I try not to squeeze it so much that it makes a mess. It feels too slimy on the hands too.


With the gelatin-filled plastic bags (which must have tiny perforations in it; too small to easily see; because otherwise the chicken juices could never get inside), I've never been able to wring them out even close to enough to prevent them from stinking up the garbage within a day. Water doesn't enter nor exit those plastic bags quickly enough, and if you squeeze them hard they burst and the gelatin comes out.

The more fabric-like ground beef ones absorb water quickly, and they are filled with some sort of absorbent paper or something rather than that nasty gelatin stuff, so they are easy to wring out enough that they won't stink up the trash (plus beef juices don't seem to be as potent as chicken juices to begin with).


Have you tried sprinkling some cleaning powder on it? I don't know if you have this in the US, but putting even a small amount of this would easily mask the smell.


I've never encountered anything that can truly mask a bad smell. Instead, the smells just combine, which can be worse than the original bad smell alone.

Adorably-Obnoxious (from the old IMDb forums) said she soaks them in bleach before throwing them away, and I can see that working, because the bleach would kill the bacteria that cause the bad smell, but I hate the smell of bleach.

I suppose isopropyl alcohol would work too, but I don't like the idea of using up my IPA on chicken Maxi Pads (those would soak up quite a bit of it) and having to buy it more frequently (I normally use it for cleaning stuff I'm working on, such as electronics). One time I tried boiling one in water, which would also sterilize it, but that caused the plastic bag to burst open and the gelatin stuff to come out, which made a mess.


I throw them right in the trash. So it stinks for a few days, so what? Trash is supposed to stink.

Signed, million man


"So it stinks for a few days, so what?"

You're asking "so what?" about having the smell of rotting chicken in your house?

"Trash is supposed to stink."

No, it isn't. It only stinks if you throw something that can rot in there, which I never do. My trash consists mostly of empty food packaging and junk mail. Any packaging that has remnants of food in it (like tin cans); I rinse those out in the sink before throwing them away.




"You're asking "so what?" about having the smell of rotting chicken in your house?"

Yeah. I've had broccoli in the trash. It smells way worse. No way I'd put that crap down my toilet

Signed, million man


Broccoli can sit out at room temperature for far longer than chicken can before it starts to spoil. They don't even keep fresh broccoli refrigerated at grocery stores. Raw chicken will start to stink from spoilage within a day at room temperature.

"No way I'd put that crap down my toilet"

Why? What are you imagining that it's going to do to your toilet?


Cooked broccoli đŸĨĻ smells like shit within 2 hours of being out. And those Maxi pads will clog up the septic/sewer system. Next thing you know there will be a forensic team digging up your yard to see if there is a body in there.

Signed, million man


I don't have a septic tank, and they don't clog up anything. I've been flushing them down the toilet for at least 20 years.


I really hope that this is a joke. Nothing should go in the toilet but what comes out of your body, and TP.


Don’t forget water. 😄


Yeah, but I don't actively put water in the toilet.


What about shattered dreams ☚ī¸


Maybe only in the form of vomit?


"I really hope that this is a joke."

Why? How would it affect you either way?

"Nothing should go in the toilet but what comes out of your body, and TP."

Or else what?


Well #1 I don't know where you live so it could affect me by you clogging up the city sewer pipes and making my taxes go up if the blockage is past your property line, because if everyone flushed crap like that it becomes a problem.

I also don't know if you live in a place that dumps raw sewage into the ocean. If it does that affects the whole planet.

But yeah, it's someone else's problem right?


"Well #1 I don't know where you live so it could affect me by you clogging up the city sewer pipes and making my taxes go up if the blockage is past your property line, because if everyone flushed crap like that it becomes a problem."

If they don't clog the toilet itself, they certainly aren't going to clog the sewer pipes.

"I also don't know if you live in a place that dumps raw sewage into the ocean. If it does that affects the whole planet."

That isn't legal in the US:

"But yeah, it's someone else's problem right?"

That's right, like when they decided that it would be impossible to buy raw chicken parts at the grocery store without getting stuck with those chicken Maxi Pads; they decided it was someone else's problem.

In any case, I've been flushing those things down the toilet for at least 20 years, and the world has survived.


That isn't legal in the US:

How should I know you live in the US?


I've been on this site since it began in 2017, and before that I was on the IMDb forums since 2002, and I've only mentioned being from Maine about forty-eleven thousand times. But either way, now you know.


Sorry, but I'm not going to scroll through your posts to see where you are from.


There's a thing called memory. And again:

"But either way, now you know."


Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of the halls of the many foods where produce is purchased or of the room of the cooking and the cleaning at Kings Towers, so I will take advisement from Mrs K.


" leave them right on the meat counter and see how they like that."

Thats a great idea.
We should all do that with all unnecessary packing , especially polythene


This guy's able to afford to buy chicken.

We got us a Rockefellar here.


That's Canada for you.
