MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Rate This Song Out of 10, or AngryViking...

Rate This Song Out of 10, or AngryViking Returns To Pillage the Board with Viking Puns!

2/10. And yet, I want to give it a 10/10 in a "So Bad It's Good" kind of way!


My ears are bleeding 2/10

Signed, million man


I'm going to call your bluff and not rate it and see what happens.


Forget giving it a rating, they deserve jail time for releasing this.

reply it better than KISS or Motley Crue......?

Yeah, I'm giving you quite the conundrum here......😛





Is there ANY band (to you) that is WORSE than KISS....? Motley Crue......? Nickelback.....?


There's many, but those are the worst big name bands.


Being in jail could be a good thing where they could reform the cons.
"I will never do crime again so I will never have to listen to that shit anymore!"

So have them do a tour of prisons and play their shit on the PA in prisons everywhere.
Crime will go down.


That would just inspire shit criminal musicians.


Better to have that than crimes.


So Bad It's Good thing only work for movies.

This is horrible.
Just Horrible.



So bad it's good


This is the sound of a drunk person walking into a music shop and stumbling around incoherently - 1/10.


One of the comments reads:

"this sounds like guitar center on a saturday afternoon" 😆😆


Nonsensical racket. Why would they release that?


I remember reading about them

"Their music has been described as both among the worst of all time and a work of unintentional brilliance...Over the decades, Philosophy of the World circulated among musicians and found fans such as Frank Zappa and Kurt Cobain. Following a 1980 reissue on Rounder Records, it received enthusiastic reviews for its uniqueness in Rolling Stone and The Village Voice."

Not really ratable in a usual way.


Were they intending to make the noise like that or just fucking around with no idea how to play and sing and this is what we got?


Were they intending to make the noise like that or just fucking around

They apparently were playing the music exactly as it was written by the lead singer/guitarist Dorothy "Dot" Wiggins!!😱


To know that it was planned really shows how they have no talent even more so.
It would be understandable if they were just messing around.


What's truly baffling, is that she (& her siblings) knew enough about music to actually transcribe & write out the notes & read them, but somehow, not enough to know how to properly tune the instruments!


Even if they played in tune you think it would sound better?

I kinda respect them for saying, "Fuck it. We are gonna do what we wanna do and who cares what they think?"
For being rebels and not caring to be a decent enough act to find any level of success.
OTOH there is something to be said for those that make music and who really work at their craft to make it enjoyable to listen to for an audience.

I like some of the comments:
That drummer played all of the time signatures except for the correct one.

I have this song loaded in my playlist. This is how you clear out your house party when you want to go to bed.

this sounds like guitar center on a saturday afternoon

I set this as my alarm. Now I wake up 5 minutes earlier

It's kinda obvious why footfoot is gone


Even if they played in tune you think it would sound better?

As the story goes, the father of the girls basically forced them into starting a band based on a dream his mother had where they became famous.


They were the Rebecca Black of their time only without the autotune.

Heck, even with that she was still a joke!
