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Your thoughts on the movie "Silence of the Lambs"?

I'm watching it for the first time tomorrow. That Jodie Foster is hot!

--Michael D. Clarke


It makes me think about Dana Scully.


It's a damn good movie. Enjoy, and enjoy Anthony Hopkins enjoying the hell out of playing a serial killer!

Dude takes it right up to the top, if he played it any bigger he'd have gone right over the top and fallen into Camp territory, but he doesn't take that last step. He balances right *at* the top, without stepping back or going over. He's terrific.


Sounds great. I'm going to be watching it tonight by myself. Perfect movie to watch Xmas eve, lol. šŸæ

--Michael D. Clarke


I just read it's one of the only 3 movies that won 5 Oscar's!

This movie must have been a big deal back in 1991. Sadly, I was a toddler then.

--Michael D. Clarke


It's one of 3 to win the Big 5 Oscars (Picture, Actor, Actress, Director and Screenplay). The other two are "It Happened One Night" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".

There are a lot of movies that have won more than 5 Oscars but not the Big 5.


It's a damn good movie. And it's a sure of Western decadence that we celebrate cannibalism.


Pulpy thriller done so well it transcends its genre and becomes a masterpiece. Hopkins is a revelation, creating a villain/mentor character that will burrow into your brain forever, all filmed to perfection by the late great Jonathan Demme.

Donā€™t just watch it, buy it.


Hmm...pretty sound review!
It really is a Psycho-level horror classic.


Personally I thought the lambs made too much noise.


Itā€™s good


I just watched this last night on Amazon Prime. It was creepy yet great! I give it 9/10. Some thoughts:

1) Jodie Foster's character in the movie reminds me awfully alot like Scully from "X-Files". I bet the inspiration behind Scully was from this movie.

2) there's no way this movie could be made today with the transgender villain. 1991 was simpler times.

--Michael D. Clarke


He wasn't transgender, he just stuck his dick and balls behind his legs.

Signed, million man


Whatever. The "dude" was creepy asf. I'm glad of his demise. Jodie Foster did a great job eliminating the sick bastard.

--Michael D. Clarke


Buffalo Bill ainā€™t a trannie, and the film actually throws a bone to that community with ā€˜transsexuals are very passiveā€™ and non-violent.

It wasn't enough though, trannies and gays still complained about the movie, so Jonathan Demme made Philadelphia next as an apology, which only made things worse - gays started complaining that it didnā€™t have enough gay romance scenes.

The lesson isā€¦ never try to appease people who depend on a victim narrative.


Forget all of that gay nonsense.
The movie is not about the gays, it's about a guy making a skin suit out of chubby girls.
Pretty gross!

It's a good novel and a really creepy movie.


I think it's one of the greatest thriller movies ever.

I've read the novel a few times as well, its really well written and few horror books can compare.

Silence Of The Lambs is a masterpiece and yes, I believe Jodie Foster is simply irreplaceable as Agent Starling. She's such a little cutie in a setting full of big violent macho agents and horrible killers but she somehow sorts it all out in the end...fabulous movie and very scary!



I do get the Agent Scully comparison, two super cute LE officers that certainly outshot the bad guys!

Yeah, it's gotta be hard to be a writer now.
Everyone is so sensitive but in truth, a lot of awful lunatics are sexually motivated.


mike, you didn't need to delete that comment buddy.

You only mentioned that Jodi Foster was a cutie (which she surely was) and that no screenwriter would write the villain as a maniac trans guy nowadays, which is sadly true much for creativity in these 'sensitive' times!

Absolutely nothing you posted was offensive or mean spirited Amigo.
You are A-OK by me bro, that was a perfectly normal post.


I deleted it out of redundancy. Because I already pretty much said similar things earlier above in this thread.

--Michael D. Clarke


OH, OK, good to know you didn't fall victim to the PC police!

A fair exchange of opinions should always be fair game.

You can always say what you want to me, I'm ridiculously
insensitive. Most of them can't stand me and it's the way I like it:)
