MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is all the recent talk about UFOs (or UA...

Is all the recent talk about UFOs (or UAPs) leading us to some ‘great reveal?’ 🛸👽

Apologies for sounding like some mad conspiracy theorist, but do the powers that be, believe that society is now capable of accepting the news that they have been in contact with extra terrestrials for decades?


I think it's one of the two following options:

(1) As DoctorThirteen said above, it's a distraction to let the corrupt people in power get away with shady shit.

(2) As Andy said in his OP, the Govt is priming the public for some big reveal.

When this news first started breaking a few years ago, I was split between either option being 50/50 likely. Now however I'm largely leaning more towards (1) and this is just a PsyOp for the incompetent and corrupt scumbags in power to pull more shit over on us, like increased military spending.


Gotta maintain the right to bear arms against those pesky aliens, right?


No, it's hysteria.


To what end?


Hysteria is a consequence; it doesn't have a purpose other than emotional release.


Hysteria from the powers that be, the masses or both?


I was part of the UFO craze of the 70s. I had a sighting, wrote letters to J. Allen Hynek and other UFO researchers. I was part of a group of true believers. And then it all went away and mostly stayed away until recent years. What changed was the stress levels. Back then there was a lot of political strife over Vietnam, fear about the Cold War and nuclear war, anxiety over the economy. Then things chilled for a few decades. Once again there is a lot of political strife and fear of another European war, anxiety about possible coup attempts by Trumpers, hysteria about gender. People are stressed out and looking for an escape. (note, this isn't meant to be political, I'm simply describing how some people "feel" about current events that leads to stress)

On an individual level, people see things and some of them can't be explained. I saw something that can't be explained, my dad saw it too. Pilots and astronauts see things. There are phenomena that we haven't explained but I stopped believing in aliens a long time ago. The chances of life are incredibly remote, there were billions of random events that led to mammals on this planet, a million more that led to tool use. Many experts say that UFO can't be explained but that isn't true, there is one thing that can move and behave like a UFO (or UAP) without violating physics ... light. Holograms combined with an electric field could do everything that UFOs do including show up on radar, or not show up. It's currently beyond known civilian science but that doesn't mean it's impossible.


“stress levels.”

An interesting observation.


There is one other possibility that I've entertained, that UFOs are not from our reality. Perhaps they are "shadows" from an alternate Earth. They might not even know we can see them or perhaps they are experiments in interdimensional communication. This is way out there but many physicists believe that alternate realities are possible.


I don't think the majority of society would ever be capable of accepting that, but people have the right to know, so should the Government know anything, they should just rip off the ban-aid and come clean.


I think most people nowadays would be pretty meh about it.


I wonder how the religious institutions would react.


Not in a good way.


Nah. If anything, I think it's to thwart potential conspiracy theories. More and more people run with anything these days, so open up before they make up stories about -and without- you. The fringe or "mad conspiracy theorist" population has been growing rather than shrinking in a "post-truth" society.


So, taking ownership of the conspiracy theories.


Yes and no. There's never clear evidence or videos of these aliens. What was the one a few months ago of aliens landing in some guy's backyard, but nobody took a video or picture?? Nonsense. Plus the aliens always seem to have such advanced tech except at landing. Why do they always struggle at landing their crafts and end up crashing when they can travel through spacetime or can teleport physical objects!?

I'm more inclined to believe the Project Bluebeam stuff. I think it's more likely this trickle of alien info is setting the stage for some type of fake global catastrophe leading to a world government. I'm thinking smaller scale staged attacks blamed on aliens and then some type of "alien" virus to create a worldwide pandemic forcing governments to enact emergency powers and then join under one roof like the World Health Organization who will create laws that all governments must follow. We saw massive amounts of freedoms given up with Covid and what could be more fearful than a virus created by a green guy in outer space with a giant head and bug eyes? We'll have a single digital worldwide currency, digital/med IDs, chip implants, cameras everywhere, AI support bots, and a handful of rich elites will rule the rest. Scary conspiracy stuff.


“nobody took a video or picture”

I keep telling everyone, my phone was on charge, honest.


Come on, you had time to get a selfie with it!


It was on the front page of The National Enquirer and still nobody believed me.


What i find interesting is that all of the famous cases of people seeing UFOs always took place near military bases and usually during the 60s, 80s and 90s (cold war) which has always made me think the government has tecnology they don't want us to know about. i mean they always seem to have been spotted in the southern states of the US, where are the famous sightings in i dunno, sweden? why do they always pick america?!

Theres a great segment on unsolved mysteries where a woman her mother and son are driving through some desert like place, maybe arizona late one night returning from visiting relatives when a UFO flies over them that is like nothing they've seen before, they get out of the car, look at it, it flies away...

From that day on they suffered from burns, strange burns on their bodies, cancer.... the government actually recognized it, it was clearly some kind of secret whatever...

I also think that with so much conflict in the world, some leader of another country would have said "look your government is lying to you, heres proof of aliens..."

I think the alien talk is a dumbed down media with "journalists" who grew up on videogames and ET.
