MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you lost weight dieting

Have you lost weight dieting

I need to lose 80lbs.

Has dieting worked for you and how much have you lost.


Exercise and lifestyle change. You're not going to lose weight on a diet unless you're 100% committed.



And like everyone else, I gained it back, and more.


No, dieting never worked for me. Instead, I fasted, and walked/ran using a pedometer app, tracking my progress and ensuring I hit a daily target (10km per day minimum). But no special tricks or "diet"


No, dieting never worked for me. Instead, I fasted, and walked/ran using a pedometer app, tracking my progress and ensuring I hit a daily target (10km per day minimum). But no special tricks or "diet"


If you can do weight lifting and build muscle mass it will increase your base metabolism.


its all about calories. start counting.

once you stick to a number and make food plans that fit in that you will realize how much extra grazing and shit you eat all day.

"why am i not losing weight??"

cause you talk by the firdge and have a little bite nonstop


Portion control and frequent fasting are a big help.
I was obese about eight years ago, pushing 280 pounds, it was gross.

Cutting out most breakfasts and for the most part lunches really chopped down on the calories. Dinner is usually one plate but I’ll cheat sometimes. We’re not frontiersmen or warriors, 10-12 meals a week is plenty.

I don’t work out anymore but I have a large house and a pretty big yard to upkeep so the chores are exercise. STRETCHING is very important to stay keen.

I’m about 200-205 now (it fluctuates) but the weight is OK now👍


Same as Noir for me. down 60. 3 years at this weight.

fasting/intermittent fasting, portion control, and jogging/walking.
no special diet. except no soda! (besides my cheat day)

regular days i drink water only with a splash of pink himalayan salt for electrolytes. sometimes an orange juice in the morning.
