MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I decided I don't really want to get mar...

I decided I don't really want to get married and have kids.

At the very, very least, NOT before I turn 42 or so and have a house and personal car for that matter. I hope that's alright with you all? Is it? Its my decision and all, but still... I made my mind up.

Plus, I don't know how my life will turn up. Hope none of my online posting activities are to anything resembling a disadvantage to my life, but at the same time, armed with knowledge - ready for life!

I still feel like a boy in a man's body to be honest. I watch movies, listen to music, play computer games or at least intend to more when I earn more money. I don't listen too much to my parents at least not always and they would understandably prefer to take a break from me.

I still wonder about a lot of stuff including INDIRECTLY. But a lot of it ISN'T PERSONAL WORRY like it may seem or a SICK OBSESSION that some may thought at the time (and I was often just theoretically handling different aspects of certain things whilst mentally rising above related trope STEREOTYPES whilst being still a sensitive straight guy myself - and FILM WATCHER).

But apart from all of that. I don't really care for family life much at the moment. And I don't mind like good people but sometimes I even wonder what if I BEFRIEND say FLAWED ONES hahaha, or is there a de-facto danger beyond internet outrage, what my once strict grandmother who is also clever may have said and how my parents feel, and the fact that... Yeah, we men have physical strength too, and we see some beautiful females, but does human strength and feminine in femmes beauty MATTER? Even Russian (and I am one classic writer Dostoyevsky who said "Beauty will save the world" meant something other than physical one, and oh well, my mentality here laid bare.

But anyways, cheers.
(Lol. :) )


You should have 10 kids 5 wives and 3 houses.

Signed, million man


Wouldn't it be better to have 10 wives, 5 houses, and 3 kids?


Nah. Kids make great pets, and are excellent slaves. Well till they start to think and talk back.

Signed, million man.




Why would it matter if it was alright with us all?


It wouldn't literally. :) But you also know what I'm like so you know, I just threw it in there.


It's better to establish yourself as a bachelor before committing to a relationship, let alone have children.


Haha, I can't help but think here of the film BACHELOR'S PARTY with Tom Hanks in it.


Hahaha, that's real five bagger for sure! Hanks is at the top of his game, and the American Ninja himself Michael Dudikoff plays one of his buddies.


(Everybody act surprised, okay?)


What????? I can’t believe this!!!!! 😳😳😳😳


What else IS new (with me)?


Whichever path you choose I know you’ll travel it well and thoughtfully, you are a decent fellow.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields.


Aw shucks. :)
