MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Did You Watch the Coronation?

Did You Watch the Coronation?

Yay or nay?

I realized it's basically "grand spectacle" - centuries old entertainment before TV. After each oath, dramatic music played. Most of the coronation was a music concert. The important people wore capes.

I believe only France would've been able to compete with British pomp and ceremony if they hadn't guillotined their royals.

I couldn't help but think about Diana spinning in her grave especially when Camilla was crowned.

I watched it, but now I'm curious to see Queen Elizabeth's coronation for comparison.


They really deep-sixed Harry. Stuck him back in the third row with the cousins, no role whatever in the ceremony, no photos, no balcony appearance - he ducked out to fly home immediately after the ceremony 'to say goodnight to his son'.

I'm not a fan of Harry, but that pretty much tells the brutal story of where he's at these days with his kinfolks. Hard to blame them, either. He really put himself out on the plank.


No sympathy for him at all. He is the cause of all his "problems" with his "woe is me" attitude. Him AND Meghan.

--Michael D. Clarke


He showed up, did his duty. I'll give him credit for that. Couldn't have been fun.




I got up at 4:45 am EDT to watch from start to finish. Yesterday I made scones and had them with Double Devon Cream and jam for breakfast. I saw a part of history - I was only 3 when the queen was crowned, so I don't remember that and as I'm roughly the same age as the king, I may not see William become king. It was a once in a lifetime event and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.


I watched it for the rarity value. I'm in my sixties, and there hasn't been an internationally televised coronation since long before I was born!

And it was both boring and interesting. Boring because I don't understand all the weird rituals, and interesting because it made me realize that none of this pomp and glory if for Charles himself, it's for the *monarchy*. Charles is just the guy who has to try to live up to all those expectations and traditions, and he looks like he knows that he isn't going to impress. But he's the one stuck with it all.


the crown looked ridiculous.


Nah. It was on at work, but, where I live at least, nobody cares at all about the royals. All our customers were in as usual. We had a Party Day to celebrate (company orders) but folks just liked the nicer food we offered - not the reason for offering it. Myself and people I know just aren't bothered with it.

Alot has changed in 70 years 😐.


I may as well watch the "Oscars".

--Michael D. Clarke


No. I did watch a short clip of someone in the audience who looked like he stepped out of the Beastie Boys Sabotage video.
