MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you get white coat hypertension?

do you get white coat hypertension?

had a doctor's appointment today and my blood pressure was initially 145/75. ten minutes later it was normal. never fails.


It's pretty common. Even doctors can get nervous for a routine checkup.


Never. There’s no point getting worked up.


it's involuntary


I have a home blood pressure cuff, that I got for $30 at the CVS. I keep a list, and measure the pressures before I take the morning pill, and after the pill has kicked in, and present an average to my doctor when I see her.

If you give a doctor that kind of information, they have a pretty good idea how much the "white coat hypertension" affects your reading.


i have one of those and it's usually normal when i measure it at home.


In that case, make a record of the numbers, and show them and the averages to your doctors!

I went one step further and took numbers according to the time since I'd taken the pill, because there was concern that it was wearing off and my pressure was higher than desirable for part of the day. But then I got a less stressful job, and my blood pressure evened out nicely.


I get white coat everything. Blood pressure, heart rate, anxiety, etc. all shoot through the roof. To the point that it prompts my doc to send me out for every test known to medicine to confirm his belief I have some ailment.


Lucky you. Mine was 175, they put me on blood pressure medicine.


that's is high. take care.


Yeah it's part of M, as my mother in law told me.



I've started asking them to take my blood pressure at the end of the appointment.


I do the same. Mine is usually around 140/80 when I first get there then lower later in the visit. It’s weird because I don’t feel anxious.


I get injections in my bad knee and hip and my blood pressure rises before I get the shots. Ok with everything but that.
