MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anybody still using just one monitor?

Anybody still using just one monitor?

I just can't imagine using one PC monitor anymore and I mean on your personal desktop - not work. I guess I've become so adjusted to always having something running or playing on a second screen. Maybe this isn't as different as before, I used to have one monitor, but then a TV running next to me.



This is from a "boomer". I cannot see having two monitors.
If you are using two monitors (i.e. - one for your job and one for a game or movie, that is your business.
But, I have found that trying to watch a movie or playing a game while trying to work is very counter productive. I am not trying to change anyone's mind. I just think that when we, as humans, try to occupy our minds with too much data at once, something has to give.


I use two mostly for the convenience of not having to switch what your focus is one. For example, currently on my second monitor I am streaming an NCAA basketball game which is on a commercial, but while it's on a commercial, I am checking out moviechat and writing this message.

I get what your saying and in regards to too much and I agree.



currently using 5
between 3 computers




I probably could be using two monitors but instead I just use two computers. I often have my laptop and desktop side by side doing separate tasks. I'm not a gamer. Like my one buddy is a total nutter gamer and some of these games he plays, you literally have to have multiple monitors to compete. Looks like a good time but it's not my thing.


One monitor.

Samantha Fox posters on both sides of it.
