MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > [SOLVED] Roman Concrete

[SOLVED] Roman Concrete

The ancient Romans were masters of engineering, constructing vast networks of roads, aqueducts, ports, and massive buildings, whose remains have survived for two millennia. Many of these structures were built with concrete: Rome’s famed Pantheon, which has the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome and was dedicated in A.D. 128, is still intact, and some ancient Roman aqueducts still deliver water to Rome today. Meanwhile, many modern concrete structures have crumbled after a few decades.

Previously disregarded as merely evidence of sloppy mixing practices, or poor-quality raw materials, the new study suggests that these tiny lime clasts gave the concrete a previously unrecognized self-healing capability.

I wonder who wins the patent on this...


Interesting as hell. I love how stuff like this is never news. Concrete that seals its own cracks. Man, that is incredible.


Cool ! Makes you wonder what sort of research process Roman engineers used to refine their methods so skillfully.


They didn't invent it in a day :)


Zing !


Oh, You!
Pretty cool info though.


amazing how the italians were so far ahead of everyone. when i was there in the 1990s they couldn't pick up the garbage on a regular basis.


I remember hearing about this on the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe podcast. It's pretty cool.
