MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It would have been terrible before 1980s...

It would have been terrible before 1980s for this reason

No ATMs.

You literally have to make it to the bank to withdraw cash during your lunch break if you want cash for the weekend.

If you don't make it, you're screwed. Banks did not open on the weekend.

So no cash for the entire weekend. If you're young and like to go out, that's a problem.

Another thing would be that you'd be pressured to lend money to friends and family all the time.

Imagine having to chase people for money you lent them?

Another problem, carrying a lot of cash around would mean more pickpockets and muggings.

We don't know how good we have it compared to the people of the 70s.


Not really. You just cashed a check at the Grocery Store.



not in canada






FYI some stores would cash checks, people didn't actually need to get their cash during banker's hours or spend the weekend miserable.


We used checks.


I remember banks being open on Saturdays for half days and ATMs being available in the 1970s.

But there were also checks and credit cards to pay for things.


I don't remember it being a problem without ATM's. If you went into a bank in the '70s or '80s there were tellers at every window. They had a lot more people helping customers, so you could cash your check and be on your way in just a few minutes.


Of all the modern convenience we have now compared to the 70s / 80s

Having to carry cash is absolutely the least of the problems.
