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Name a show (or shows) that peaked with their first season

They could've even had good later seasons but never reached the heights of the first season.

I'm finally watching Westworld post season 1. While the seasons are not bad, they're just not that engaging. That first season is just one of the best things ever put on TV (in my opinion)

Another one is Heroes. Man, that first season was a phenomenon. "Save the cheerleader, save the world"

They never recovered after the writers' strike of 2007/08.


Batman. This is a show that burned incredibly brightly, but just as quickly faded. I was 6 years old when it premiered in January of 1966. It would be hard to overstate what a phenomenon it was right out of the gate.


"They never recovered after the writers' strike of 2007/08."

It's almost like they started using fan fiction writers and in turn that ushered in the over the top political agendas that so many TV shows have now.


Stranger Things.


I definitely agree. I did mostly enjoy season 4 but the show still hasn't reached the heights of season 1 imo

They still haven't recaptured the 'magic' of the fantastic first season


Yes. I thought Season 4 was very ambitious but I constantly got the feeling the whole thing would have made for a better two-hour movie.


Also, I wish they'd killed off at least ONE of the main characters.

Firstly, the cast is way too huge and secondly, there's no sense of danger anymore.

Cause every season, it's the new cast additions that gets killed off. Everyone else has like plot armors that rival that of Batman's. lol


Soap Season 1. Season 2 was good too, but the cracks were starting to show. Season 3 had its moments, but was becoming really dicey by then. Season 4, the final season, it just totally went off track. IMO, the show never was able to duplicate the brilliance of that first season.


Millennium. The writers changed for the second season, Chris Carter was busy with other things, and it was dreadful. Carter came back for the third but it was too late. But that first season is some of the best TV I've ever seen. A while back someone bought me the box set of the whole thing but season one is the only one that I rewatch.


Oh yeah, that first season is amazing. Season 2 is alright. The third season is almost unwatchable for me.

I honestly don't know if I've watched season 3 all the way through.

Watched the X Files episode that was supposed to wrap up the show but it was just awful.
