MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So many adults NEVER make mistakes at wo...

So many adults NEVER make mistakes at work and don't get fired?

As in - (besides crime, and let's keep obvious examples out of it, including movie ones), some never come to work naked (oooohhh). Some men, OOPS, PEOPLE, men AND women etc, never come to work in dirty or cheap clothes. Never inappropriately flirt or develop relationships with fellow workers. Never ROB a place they work in or steal anything.

Never (think of David Fincher's movie "Fight Club" (1999) for one) argue with their bosses, shout or attack them physically at job place. (Is it true that you can get sacked or fired for simply at one point telling "f off" to your boss? One boss did just that in the movie "Heaven" (1998) by Scott Reynolds.) Never fail on JOB tasks no matter how complicated (can imperfections be forgiven and are they?)? Never sleep at work? (Will you get fired for sleeping ONCE on the job even?) Never fart, defecate, vomit, spit or piss even accidentally? (I once spat in a sink because I was unwell and got told off for it. Footballers do it all the time on the field and no-one bats an eyelid.) Never flood any areas with water? (What if it was an accident?) Never inappropriately use their phones at work?

Yes, there are those that do. But those who don't - are they simply lucky, talented, civilized, decent, intelligent etc as people? Also, do they stay that way for a long time if not forever? What about people reaching retirement age like 65 or over 70? And some people are INCAPABLE of failing in all those areas right, just like the little girl in Chris Rea song "Wired to the Moon" - "don't know how to hurt, don't know how to lie, you just don't know how to do it, you couldn't if you try" etc.

Anyways, what do you think, and where do YOU fit in, thanks. No matter where you're from. :)



OP was fired for flooding the place.


No. It was for flooding MC forums.


I never got into ANY trouble at work for ANY "internet activities" of mine, seriously! :)


You HONESTLY think so? Translation INCORRECT. Houston we have a problem. What we have here is a failure to communicate.

P.S. And THAT'S what AND all you got from this one? Nothing about - "I agree" or "I disagree" or anything about successful employees who never lose their work or job for any of those reasons?



OMG how did he know??


Hahaha, nope.

Its more like - what gave him that idea? (I actually still work at the same place of work that I have worked for the last 16 years, but I am currently on holiday. True.)


I have found that bananas can make excellent umbrellas, especially as a social construct due to the tensile strength of o-ring style, motorcycle chains.


And monkeys can apparently use typewriters and do some small scale lower level jobs that other humans also can too, lol.


Personally I’ve never been fired from a job and have always left on my own terms. I do know people who have been unfairly dismissed, but generally I think if you’re fired there are good reasons behind it, and it wouldn’t be worth the hassle for an employer to terminate a staff member without reason. I’ve certainly never heard of someone being sacked because they “fart, defecate, vomit, spit or piss even accidentally”.. that seems a random and extremely unlikely scenario buddy!


That's not the question you should be asking. What you should be asking is:

"Why do bad people who do a terrible job at work get away with it in some places?"


2 AmeriGirl (are you an American girl, in real life?) - perhaps you're right.

But I myself have very little if not nothing in common with THOSE people. Those that do bad things and get away. And as to why - maybe they are sadly, in their own negative way (ala evil genius) "clever", cunning, manipulative and deceptive, maybe they don't get caught, maybe they're related to those in charge of the company etc etc etc. Loads of reasons.


Yep, I'm an American Girl in real life, regardless of what Kowalski says.

I actually have several answers to this:

- nepotism
- sexual favoritism
- blackmail
- affirmative action
- desperation


Well, yes, alas, all of that too, and perhaps several other factors if not the fact that life ITSELF is not exactly fortunate, neutral at best.


But do you have any opinion on SUCCESSFUL people who basically work hard and well all their lives and never lose a job through any legitimately and de-facto faults of their own? Thanks.


For them, I would consider them divinely blessed.


I sorta thought so too, but still...

What about also famous people like actors etc? Company owners? Musicians?


That one's harder to explain. The entertainment industry is extremely mercurial, with no job security. The only reason some people stay in industries like that is because they don't let the fame get to them, they keep on doing the thing they love, they don't go chasing fame (they let it come to them), and they don't ruin what they have by blowing all their money and health on drugs, sex, living large, and making bad investments. One reason you don't hear about people like that often, is because they often never become widely known, or they're famous for a while, and then let the excitement die down as they continue doing what they like.


I was also thinking more along the lines of good people who may or may not be flawed (no one's "perfect") and if they actually DO have an ability to remain on the job forever or even for a long time and never be guilty in any of those areas to fail and get sacked etc.


Your workplace is for money…to pay the rent/mortgage, the kid’s dentist, cover the auto payments, treat your spouse to gifts, pay for home repairs…and so forth, it NEVER ENDS!

It’s best to behave at work, no slugging or cursing anyone at work, NOT ever.

I leave my door open all day at my job.
My coworkers work hard with families and kids, open human kindness and an an open ear is the least they deserve.
And my terrific coworkers come by all day to chat and vent.

Good people need someone to talk to, it feels nice and friendly to talk to all of them.
It’s nice to help them, it feels good.

I don’t always know the answers but I’m a ‘washer woman Yenta’ type so I direct them in the right direction for help.

I talk to everybody, I know what’s up.


" slugging or cursing anyone at work, NOT ever." And yet you recently mentioned having been fired from the police academy over several, actual physical fights, which you completely downplayed and justified.

You also recently mentioned having a couple of coworkers who apparently struggle with some serious depression. This doesn't surprise me, considering they have to endure you on a daily basis, while also trying to pay the bills and survive.

If there's evidence of self-aggrandizement, it sure shows up on your part in this post. More projection.


My Police Academy experience was over twenty years ago and I admit to being a bit of a strike first and forget about the questions afterwards sort.

I still am, only that’s not fitting for a law enforcer. I’d still prefer to strike first if a fellow gets threatening with me…
Carried by six or judged by twelve.

You wouldn’t believe how many of my coworkers love me and how much I care for them. They mean a great deal to me and I always welcome them for chats, advice and direct them towards help.

I doubt anyone loved you this much loser👎


My marriage ended much farther back than that, and as I previously said, the divorce was a mutual decision, yet here you are, decades later, constantly harping about it with your OCD style. There are almost 8 billion people on this planet. The rest of us aren't here to fit into your narrow-minded view of personal success.

My son was so good at baseball, he was already being eyed by college scouts while in junior high school. Yours is obese at the age of 14. I wasn't only a Sunday School Teacher to young kids in my church once, I was also later a Sunday School President to college students. And I didn't seek those positions, I was called to them by the higher-ups in the church.

You don't know shit about love.


I don’t care.
You are a failure, a bum.
You said the sacred words at the Altar before the entire community, her family and yours and you botched the deal, that’s a dummy move.

You are a bum.


I don't care that you don't care. Don't be surprised if I call out your blatant hypocrisy again in the future.


You want to preach about the sanctity of the altar (which doesn't need to be capitalized, btw) while constantly, sexually flirting with a certain poster on this board in the early days of the site? And now you want to claim a lifelong loyalty to your spouse? I often used to wonder back then what her reaction would have been, had she accidentally discovered those conversations.


Guys guys, can we please be civilized and avoid slipping into cliched arguments territory, thank you. Pretend for a while you're AT WORK. (Lol.)


"sexually flirting"
Yep (sigh!) - we can't go on for ONE SECOND in our lives without bringing something like THIS up. Sex is everywhere apparently, including in people's minds and online forum discussions. :)


You are deranged.
That’s why you’re always angry and humorless.


Well you're a good employee Shogun and possibly mostly clever too. What can I say? Keep up "the good work" mate. :)


Exactly when everyone else is using their phones inappropriately why should i actually do work? I should get paid just for sitting there like everyone else


2 Kimmie - is your job difficult, do you ever struggle with tasks? I do at least SOMETIMES. Sometimes I struggle and don't finish everything and that is fine. In other cases, its a case for complaint and disaster.


management gets this xbsurd idea theycan treat programming in terms of manhours rather than resource driven, and if others are behind everyone gets behind and management doesn't understand they created this problem bynpushing an unreasonable schedule that relies on perfect performance from everyone even those who aren't great performers


And folks, what do you think about those, however few (or many, any statistics here?) people who LITERALLY don't fail in any of those areas and territories and remain successful as employees almost all their lives? Cheers. (Know any PERSONAL examples folks? Maybe your FAMILY members? Lol.)

P.S. On a related note. Have we all seen the film "The Last Seduction" (1994)? How did Linda Fiorentino's "Bridget" (but NOT "Bridget Jones" haha like in "The Bridget Jones' Diary" (2001) film) character whilst being on the run from her husband AND the law, not only successfully escaped town but successfully found herself a JOB like that and in very short period of time? Is it plausible? And she remained on it despite moments of screaming and slapping someone AND the fact that a private detective came to her workplace?

And in "Erin Brockovich" (2000). Which was also based on a true story. How did Julia Roberts' character successfully convince that lawyer to get her a job and how come she was able to be returned after getting fired and also win 2 million dollars etc in a law suit over that troubled company?
