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What did you crackers watch this week (08/07-08/13) CLOSED

What up!!

X (2022 DVD): I went to the store with my kids and stopped by the DVD zone. This was my number one target and when I found it I was so psyched I watched it the same evening. I have to say that 25 minutes in and I still didn’t feel invested in anything that was happening or any of the characters and I was disappointed on the shocking factor level. Absolutely nothing crazy yet.Then came the alligator scene and I was like, “wait, am I watching crawl but only 10 times better?” Because the way they shot that scene was astounding! But no, 30 minutes in still nothing yet. 40 minutes in; they are still shooting their “Farmer’s daughter” porno and it’s not very exciting, even if Kid Cudi is amongst my favorite rappers. 10 minutes later they are now talking about the shooting of“Farmer’s daughter”. .. okay whatever. And then l, oh, wait, now it’s a fucking musical.😐She’s singing a platonic song. 55 minutes in and we are still shooting “Farmer’s daughter” but this time we got the biggest twist yet; the director’s girlfriend suddenly decided she wants to play a scene in the film and nothing will stop that from happening! Poor director, I feel for him. Just as I’m starting to think about pausing the movie to go wake me up with something else, 1 hour in and we finally have it, the first kill! And it’s done with proper fashion. Or should I say, sexy passion? We reached « Charles Manson’s grandma’s » level pretty quick there. « Oui, oui Marie. »Unfortunately none of the next kills matched the very first one. No creativity, no surprise. As for the badass final girl; she did absolutely nothing badass. Why is she even holding an axe on the poster? She did nothing, except driving off in the car! Now this was A LOT of complaining but truth of the matter is; I liked the 70’s vibe and music, the acting, the gore but it’s just that my expectations were so high and wanted more for my 20$ investment. My rating: 5.5/10

Last night in Soho(2021 DVD): Loved the vibe, the look, the colors, directing, editing, acting, story, soundtrack and pretty much everything else. It’s just that the crazier it got, the less effective it became for me. But it was always a satisfying experience nonetheless. It’s just that it had so much potential for greatness but after the Halloween party it simply remained « very good » and never became « great ». The ending was to my liking; just enough multilayered madness and not too much sentimental. Overall, a solid achievement in the horror genre. My rating: 8/10

Sonic the hedgehog 2 (2022 DVD): I enjoyed the first one so much that I was scared by the reviews saying they loved the first but hated this one. Well, I loved the first one and I loved this one too. Probably even more!Hard to hate when it’s a blast from start to finish. This movie is a VIBE! Probably make for the best video game movie sequel ever My rating: 8/10

Queen of Katwe (2016 Blu-ray): Family time with my wife, her mother (both Africa born) and the 3 kids. Very fulfilling true story film. Almost flawless. I’m a chess amateur. Always loved the game. Plus, I’m a sucker for this kind of inspiring movie and sometimes, a 7 becomes a 8 when you watch the « making of » and meet the real people behind the story. With that being said, my rating: 8/10.

The Adam’s project (2022 Netflix): Actually even better then I thought it would be. The casting was great, the story managed to move me and the action was fun. I realized after that the director was born here in Quebec and also did Free guy, a fun but less fun film. My rating: 7/10

Une colonie(2018 TV): Tries so hard to be deep the script becomes mostly boring. Thankfully, the lead Quebec actress has a mysterious force that kept me staring at her all along. Look at the movie poster, you might understand. Solid performance, poor film. My rating: 5/10


Top Gun Maverick - I loved it! 8/10

Prey - Good! It kept me entertained 5.5/10

Silence of the Lambs - one of my all-time favorite movies 10/10


Maverick was great fun, it’s the first movie I’ve seen in a theater in a long while.
19 minutes of trailers beforehand was annoying but that’s not the film’s fault, these theaters need to just go with 3-4 trailers in my opinion.

I loved that Maverick was unapologetically Pro-American🇺🇸!

They had a mission to blow up some unnamed enemy site (likely N. Korea) and the movie hit all the right beats…an aging veteran hero, a rag-tag group of new ambitious pilots, humor, a bit of romance and a crazy climactic battle in the sky!

Box Office gold…nearing $1.4 Billion, amazing.


Top gun Maverick: 7/10

Silence of the lamb: very foggy in my mind. Need to rewatch. 8/10 for now.


I’ve been involved with rewatching all of Peaky Blinders (13) for two+ weeks.
My Wife and I will start season 6 tonight, I want to find out how they deal with the Aunt Polly character as the lovely actress very unfortunately died between filming the seasons.

Prey (22) I really liked it, I liked the young girl hero Naru, she was not a muscle-bound 80s action hero sort, just a young girl with skills. The special effects were solid as well.


Peaky blinders: weird name but looks awesome.

Might watch Prey very soon.


I didn’t understand the name Peaky Blinders at first either but the main criminal gang attaches razors to the brim of their caps and slash opponents across the face in their frequent brawls. Wether or not this is historically accurate is open to debate but it makes for some fine if brutal TV!
Great show.

Prey was really enjoyable, don’t listen to the crybabies complaining about ‘woke’ this and that…the young female protagonist simply has mad skills and is one of the sharper tacks on the tool shelf. My work buds ALL enjoyed it and not one of them is what would be called ‘woke or a cuck or an incel’ or whatever other stupid words people use on these anonymous internet message boards.
The young girl hero is played by Amber Midthunder and she’s super cute but can kick some ass when required. Check it out👍


Cool, I will my brother.


Powder (1995) - this had potential but not dark enough. i think it was disney. what exactly was jeremy suppose to be? 5.5/10

Nashville (1975) - might be the best satire movie of all time. loved the henry gibson character based on hank snow. this ain't dallas line is just hilarious 8.5/10

Private Property (1960) - might have worked if the characters were younger. two men in their 30s who have never seen an attractive women before. 5.5/10

one tv series;

Dark Winds (2022) -would have been better to have focused on the crime. a bit too much of the personal lives of the characters. they really didn't wrap up the crime part of the story. 6.5/10


I remember watching Powder in TV many years ago but wouldn’t be able to rate it.


Greetings! Are you a saltine? If I'm a cracker, I'm certainly a cheesy one.

Of yours I have only seen
X (2022) 9/10
The Adam Project (2022) 7/10

I was on a hiking trip so I only watched

Love & Friendship (2016) 8/10
Probably the funniest of Austen's works, and a really great adaptation. The costumes were gorgeous, and I think the wit was captured beautifully. I would have rated it higher, but Chloë Sevigny takes me out of the illusion. I'm just not a fan. Glad I finally gave this a watch.


Hope you enjoyed your hiking and got to see some nice views!

Not sure I’d watch Love & Friendship… maybe if it was free.


Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 2003 6.5/10 I really enjoyed it, but you have to be a David Spade fan.
A thirty-something former child star hires a foster family to re-create the childhood he never had.

REwatched all the Scream movies
Scream 1996 10/10
Scream 2 1997 6/10
Scream 3 2000 7/10
Scream 4 2011 5/10
Scream 2022 5/10

Uncoupled (2022– ) 7/10 Neil Patrick Harris
Michael's life seemed to be perfect, until his long time partner blindsided him after 17 years of being in long time relationship. He has to confront the nightmares of losing his soulmate and suddenly finding himself as a single gay man in his mid-40s.


Although I wouldn’t say I’m a fan, I do enjoy me some Spade and I might have seen this one before but don’t really remember.

By memory, will revise my ratings when I’m on my computer:

Scream: 8
Scream 2 6.5/10
Scream 3 7/10
Scream 4 7.5/10
Scream 2022 7.5/10


Last Night in Soho: My top movie of 2021. high 8/10
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: 7/10
Queen of Katwe: 6/10
The Adam Project: 7/10

Vengeance (2022) - This was better than I thought it would be. There were a couple stretches that were a little weak, but other parts were really good and funny. The conclusion was really good. (79/100)

Summer with Monika (1953) - Relatively good, but disappointing. One of Bergman’s weakest films that I’ve seen. (73/100)

Bodied (2017) - This was a unique movie and pretty memorable. I can’t say that I liked everything about it, but it had some things that were really interesting. The main character and his girlfriend both sucked. It got super uncomfortable near the end and was actually pretty dark. (70/100)

FP2: Beats of Rage (2018) - Liked this more than the original, which I did not like at all. Still did not like it. (61/100)

Chungking Express (1994) - Liked this a good bit better than I expected. I’m not even sure what it was that made it so good, but it was. (83/100)

Slacker (1990) - Good and unusual, but it got a little old by the end. (76/100)

Fallen Angels (1995) - It was really good. The stories were really interesting. I just loved it. I rarely say this, but I wish it had been longer. (84/100)

Train to Busan (2016) - Liked it but did not love it. I’m generally not the biggest fan of zombie movies. I think there’s a limit to what can be done with them. This was definitely one of the better ones I've seen. It was also really emotional. (78/100)

Southpaw (2015) - I wasn’t expecting to especially like this, but it was better than I thought. I wished they would have given Naomie Harris more to do. And Rita Ora more than 30 seconds or so. (77/100)

Killing Them Softly (2012) - I had relatively low expectations for this since people don’t like it. It was kind of good. It had a weak story, but certain things about it were better. I felt like I shouldn’t have liked it at all. (71/100)


42 (2013) - At the beginning I thought it was pretty boring, but it got better later on. Overall it was good but not as good as I expected. It was just a bit cheesy. (75/100)

Short Term 12 (2013) - It was really good. A tough movie, but went by quickly and was done extremely well. (83/100)

Elevator to the Gallows (1958) - Unfortunately, I was pretty underwhelmed by this. I was expecting to love it, but I just didn’t see what was special about it. (74/100)


Fallen Angels : been too long
Train to Busan: 7.5/10
Southpaw: 8/10
Killing them softly: 5.5/10


Seems I'm late to the party again.😬 Totally forgot to mention last time that I've been rewatching Models Inc., one of my favourite 90s soaps!


-Dream Lover (1993)
Even though not much happened for the first part of the movie, I was willing to go along with the story. The last part was absolutely ridiculous and stupid, though! James Spader also had a really bad haircut.

-Peeping Tom (1960)
I know this is some kind of classic, but sorry, just no. It was not suspenseful and the characters acted like they belonged in The Room. And no way he would be able to kill women so easily with that ridiculous contraption.

-Speed (1994)
Yearly rewatch. I don't think I need to explain my fondness for this movie again, do I?

-Scream (1996)
See above. What would a summer without Scream be???

TV Series.

-Models Inc. - marathon

-Monk - marathon
ON HOLD. I've been catching re-runs of Who's the Boss and Golden Girls instead

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes


I love your love for Speed and Scream!


Check out Glow Up on Netflix, I think you'd really enjoy it.
