MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Whats your favourite season?

Whats your favourite season?

I think i may have asked this before but I'll ask again. I love spring the best.

I went for a walk in a park today. It's only about 14°c but it was calm (whilst I was there at least, the rain tumbled down not long after).

I love seeing all the new shoots on trees and the birds and squirrels going about their business. Met some very friendly dogs too.

If there had been a duck pond it would have been perfect 😊.


Summer for me. I love heat and hate cold.


Fall, since it's the one furthest from the next summer lol. I actually enjoy all the seasons, I just hate the unbearable heat of summer.


I should have guessed by your handle:)

Samoanjoe’s also hates summer, this is the only fault I can find in his character (and trust me, I have my eye on that guy!)

Isn’t it more fun to grill steaks and sausages than to shovel snow and toss salt all over the walkways?


no! how can there be anything good when every second of every day you are smothered in grinding, endless, disgusting, brutal heat?
what is good about never escaping from heat every second of every rotten day for months and months?
what is good about endless misery?


Yeah, I thought my handle gave me away haha.

I actually don't totally hate summer or heat - just the unbearable heat that sometimes pops up. Also, grilling steaks and sausages can be done in the winter and are more weather-appropriate to eat then. Plus, we don't get much snow in Australia unless you travel. Probably why I don't do a lot of salt tossing, not even out of superstition - unless we're talking cooking. But that's seasoning, not seasons.


All of them but I should choose one then Autumn.


Spring. Getting warmer, days getting longer, blooming life.


It has changed for me. All my early life I loved Summer. But I lived close enough to the coast that it rarely tipped above 95. Now I live in the desert and I hate Summer. Summer here lasts from mid-May to October and is uncomfortable for 4 of those months. I love Autumn. I always did but now I have to really appreciate it since it only seems to exist here for roughly a month. Autumn and winter fight over our Nov-Jan. Then its 3 or 4 months of Spring.

My beach bum years were fantastic but now I choose Autumn.


Summer, then Spring, then Winter and then Autumn.
