MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies with the most upsetting endings

Movies with the most upsetting endings

What are some movies with endings that really upset you, leaving you feeling bleak and dismal?

Here are some of mine:

The Mist (2007)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Se7en (1995)
Oculus (2013)
Boys Don't Cry (1999)
The Descent (2005)
Martyrs (2008)
Goodnight Mommy (2012)
Eden Lake (2008)
Mystic River (2003)


Dancer in the Dark (2000)


I haven't seen that one yet. I've been meaning to. A friend recommended it to me but warned that I should emotionally prepare myself.


Out of the Past, Body Heat, Saving Private Ryan


I haven't seen the first two but I've seen Saving Private Ryan. Good one!


Dogtooth (2009)
Garage (2007)


The ending of Dogtooth got to me too. I haven't seen Garage but I just looked it up. It sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.




I haven't seen that one. I've seen the first Feast movie but it was a long time ago. I should probably revisit it at some point, and then watch the others.


On the Beach (1959)


This would be my #1 pick.
Have you ever read the book?


I think so...but many years ago, as a teen in the 1970s, and I don't have as firm a memory of the book as I'd like.


Catch the mini-series if you can. Somehow they took a bleak movie and made it even bleaker.


I just looked it up. I'm adding it to my watch list. It sounds intriguing, and it's got Gregory Peck and Anthony Perkins!


On a lighter side, I think the love scene at the fishing lodge near the end of the move is one of best ever filmed.


Why couldn't Dwight take Moira back to the US with him in the sub?


He was a person who did everything by the books. Other crew members had asked if they could bring someone with them and he said no, so it wasn't possible for him to take her along. Besides, they weren't headed to the US. He was taking the sub out into international waters and sinking her.


I loved Oculus but what’s the shocking ending again?


Involves an anchor getting intimate with Karen Gillan...


I don't know how to add a spoiler tag, so spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Oculus!

Kaylie gets killed by the anchor and her brother is arrested for it.


Instructions to add a spoiler tag:


Synder's Dawn of the Dead.
Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
Von Ryan's Express.
The Road.
Jackson's King Kong. Yeah, I knew how it ended but watching him sadly say "good-bye" to Naomi Watts was heartbreaking.
My Dog Skip. Not ashamed to say I shed tears since I went through a similar situation with my dog.
ET. What upset me was the reaction of my three year old son watching it. He was almost in tears because ET was leaving and the emotions washing over his face as he watched it just crushed me.


It's been a long time since I've seen Snyder's Dawn of the Dead but I do remember the ending. The ending to Spartacus (Kubrick's version) tore me up. Great film! King Kong is another one that got me, and I knew how it would end too. (As a side note, if you haven't already, check out Son of Kong from 1933. It's the sequel to the original King Kong from 1933. It's not nearly as good but the ending is, at least in my opinion, even sadder than the first.) Oh yes, ET. That line "I'll be right here." I think I shed some tears too when I first saw that. I haven't seen any of the others you listed, but I've read the book The Road by Cormac McCarthy. If the movie follows it, it is definitely bleak.


The Road is an excellent movie and mostly follows the book though there is one extra action piece added…it’s not an obnoxious, silly scene though


Good to know! I loved the book, and debated seeing the movie but was afraid it would change everything and I'd end up disappointed. Thanks, Shogun! :)


I felt like kicking Frank Darabont's ass after seeing The Mist. So frustrating! Like getting kicked in the guts.

It has since grown on me and I now appreciate what he did.


I had that exact same reaction. But I've also come to appreciate it over the years. As heart-wrenching as the ending is, there's a poignance to it. It's brutal and cold, but powerful. I believe King even said the film's ending was better than the one he wrote.


I haven't seen that one. I've seen the first Feast movie but it was a long time ago.
