MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > No, movies aren't "becoming long nowaday...

No, movies aren't "becoming long nowadays", your attention span just sucks.

I hear it so much lately for films that are 120 minutes long. Long movies have existed since the silent era and no one complained. "Intolerance" came out in 1916 and is known as one of the greatest movies of all time. That doesn't mean that specific movies can't be too long, but to say they've generally gotten longer is an outright lie. Put down your phones, stop watching Tiktok videos and you'll feel so much better watching long movies you otherwise would have missed.

Just be honest with yourself and say that your attention span can't handle long movies. Movies haven't suddenly become longer, you've just been on your phones or playing games for too long.

Rant over.


When movie is interesting - people wont complain that its too long. They wont notice time.

Problem is that now movie makers make long movies for no reason when script does not require it. And there are too many slow and unnecessary scenes. Or boring fake cgi nonsense or fights that go nowhere.

Movie should be around 1 hours 40 minutes long. No one needs 3 hours movies.


I need 3 hour movies. As long as it's good though.


in the spirit of attempting to be open minded, the first movie i'm watching today is going to be 'what do we see when we look at the sky?,' some endlessly long movie out of georgia (the country) that actually looks like it has an interesting premise. and is 171 minutes long ffs.

wish me luck.


20 minutes in and i am not having a good time so far. jfc i've got another 150 minutes of this.

that said...this movie just did something i've never seen a movie do before, and i thought it was super clever and ... kinda delightful and is now making me cheer for it.


oh dammit, i actually loved it.
now i have to eat my words, i guess, cuz this was just great.

though it turns out the film is 'only' 150 minutes, not 171m like i said above. mubi had attached a little interview with the director or something onto the end of it.

this is now probably my favourite movie of 2021. shit.




oh yeah, i'm the biggest fuckup you'll ever meet, safe to say. but i've made my peace with that, more or less. & thanks!


You're coming around. Soon you're going to prefer 2.5 hour long movies.


it's only ever about how good the story is. story and plot are about it's motion forward.
if we get to hear that batman wasn't breastfeed as a child, that dam well better be affecting the story/plot in some motional way, otherwise it serves zero purpose.

you can develop character while the plot pushes on, not going to point out all the great movies that do this already, there are too many.

my attention span is great. i'm old, I can watch new short ASL films, and well as old classics that are slow and drag on by today's standards.... IF the story is good.
If you notice how long a film is, they should have edited it down to the 2 hour mark, and left their ego in the car.


Depends on the film. I thought the Transformer films were overly long and a lot of the Marvel films are too long as well. They just draw out these pointlessly long action scenes. You wouldn't think action scenes would be boring but they make them so.


People use the term in a general way for all movies being long.
