MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > No, movies aren't "becoming long nowaday...

No, movies aren't "becoming long nowadays", your attention span just sucks.

I hear it so much lately for films that are 120 minutes long. Long movies have existed since the silent era and no one complained. "Intolerance" came out in 1916 and is known as one of the greatest movies of all time. That doesn't mean that specific movies can't be too long, but to say they've generally gotten longer is an outright lie. Put down your phones, stop watching Tiktok videos and you'll feel so much better watching long movies you otherwise would have missed.

Just be honest with yourself and say that your attention span can't handle long movies. Movies haven't suddenly become longer, you've just been on your phones or playing games for too long.

Rant over.


When I say a movie is too long, I generally mean it has editing issues: often there's stuff in it that could've been cut without losing much value, other times it has accumulating pacing issues across its runtime.

What I don't ever mean is X number of minutes is too long for a movie to be. Satantango, for example, isn't 'too long'.

So I think I'm agreeing with you. However, I do enjoy a good 90 minute (or less) movie. I do like the old Roger Corman philosophy of 'get in and get out as quickly as you can'... because it leads to good editing discipline.


I agree with everything there. That's what I mean when I said: "that doesn't mean that specific movies can't be too long". 3 hours is a long movie, but I won't say it's too long unless I've seen the film myself to determine that.


Yeah. A well-edited three hour movie probably doesn't feel longer than a badly-edited two hour movie.

And, while I can't think of an example off the top of my head, I've certainly seen the same movie in two cuts where the shorter one felt longer because the pacing and the rhythm were wrong. It's all about the editing, the way it flows, not the actual length.


The last two Lord of the Ring movies. I was bored watching them in the theater because they emphasized the battle scenes.

I repeatedly watch the longer versions with 45-minutes added to each film because I enjoy them so much.

Another film would be The Professional with Natalie Portman. The watered-down version vs. the uncut international version.


You're talking to the wrong person:) I fast forward through the credits, I'm so impatient. However, I don't used my phone for anything other than calling people.


Tsk tsk tsk. Bad movie watcher.


I hesitate to tell this story because it makes me look really bad, but....I watched the movie Foul Play with my husband several times in the 90s. I never told him this but I always fast forwarded past the intro/credits. What I didn't realize until he pointed it out on the 4th viewing is the credits part, they set up the story for why the assassination is taking place. So one day in the 2000s we're watching it, and I didn't fast forward the intro/credits, and he says ....Oh know I now whats going on......You kept fast forwarding the first 2 minutes, so I never really got what was happening:)

Here's the full movie on Youtube free if anyone wants to watch it...Foul Play Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase...The first 90 seconds explains why everything is happening, which I missed for several years:)


You should be ashamed of yourself.


Sorry, your rant was too long. I zoned out.


Think of it like trilogy of paragraphs.


Ah Lord of the Rants. Got it 👍

Brilliant! 5 stars!!!


I’ll watch the rest tomorrow




I got through like 3 sentences


Which is why we should have metal in the walls of theatres to jam the cellphone signals. Too many people can't handle watching a simple movie without reaching for their phone.


I just say you have usher walk up the steps and just zap them with a stun gun.


In this society, the usher would be shot even for asking that they put away their phones.


dramas seemed longer today. horror and slashers movies seem to be the same.


i have no idea what the actual stats are. generally speaking, when i watch older films on criterion, they're short and pacey and efficient. there certainly were lots of long epics in the early days. and maybe this is my own selection bias in what i choose to watch from older films, but in my experience it's very rare for the standard dramas of the 30s/40s/50s to exceed two hours, and most of them hewed closer to 90 minutes.

if you look at modern indie films, most of them are that time as well. your standard mumblecore no-budget indie is gonna generally clock in at 80-90 minutes, which is my sweet spot. but for major studio releases? they're all needlessly long. far far far too long. i've been in the theatres 23 times this year, and even with my own bias to shorter films, almost all of them have been 2+ hours. & there's just no need for that.

has my attention span been eroded? maybe. but i prefer to phrase it this way: i have lost my tolerance in middle age for things that waste my time. i've read far too many books that were needlessly padded, far too many books that should have been magazine articles, too many magazine articles that should have been half the length.

and i've seen far too many senselessly long movies.

brevity is a gift to the world.

i don't appreciate it when someone takes too long to make a simple point. i don't want that out of movies either.

keep it short is always a good life strategy. apply it to your emails. apply it to your message board posts. and apply it to your movies.

short short short short short.


My attention span wasn't long enough to read this.




Average movie length from 1906-2013.

Maybe your "tolerance in middle age" has to do with you being busy and not wanting to spend so much time on films. It's like when I watch a movie before a hockey game. When it's nearing the game time, I feel like I want the movie to hurry up.


thanks for that graph. i follow randy olson on twitter - he always used to pull together really interesting things, but i haven't noticed him in my feed for the longest time.

i would like to drill into that. i wonder - this is pure speculation, & my own bias - if you filtered that data set to get wide released movies only, or major studio pics only, if the numbers would look any different. & i'd like to see what the median time was too. if there are fewer movies in the past, mostly shorter but with a few epic length gwtw types, you could have skewed numbers in the average.

honestly, i'm not busy at all. i'm semi-retired more or less, and have all the time in the world, which is why you may notice my posts in stonekeeper's weekly threads are insanely long.

i just hate long movies. i always have, really. when i see a 90m running time, my mind lights up. when i see a 2+hr time, i internally groan.

i just want simple, short, concise things. not always of course. you can go to my letterboxd page & you'll probably see lots of long movies i loved. but in the main, i want short, pacey simple movies.


The graph is from an article where he claims it's all movies. So I'm guessing he's including foreign and independent films.


here's the article in case anyone else wants to have a look at it.

his chart showing the 25 most popular films each year kinda blows a hole in my idea that major studio films & wide releases might show different results. shows what i know. i was wrong. though i'd still be interested in median running times.



Movie theaters used to show two movies, a featurette and cartoon. The average movie was shorter at that time.

A boring movie is going to be difficult to watch. Today, movies rely on "action scenes" which aren't as interesting as the director believes. I watched Titanic, Gone with the Wind and The Ten Commandments in the theater with no problem. All of them needed an intermission. Good storytelling isn’t boring.


Exactly. If a movie is 3 or 4 hours, I don't care as long as I'm intrigued.
