MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I've finally experienced the generation ...

I've finally experienced the generation gap when it comes to movies.

I use to have older people tell me about certain movies and stars that I just had no connection with or desire to see, and they were surprised and told me to check them out.

Now, I was telling a coworker about Wesley Snipes...he had no idea who that was and I mentioned Demolition Man, Passenger 57, Blade, and he had NO IDEA what any of that was. I was growing up on Wesley Snipes, and here this guy had zero connection or desire to see any of it.

I am close to twice that coworkers age. I pity him, that he only knows reboots and poor films. He grew up on garbage essentially. Is this how older people thought of me? Surely good films came out late eighties and throughout the nineties?


I say, it's a real shame these young lads and lasses don't know who Clara Bow is! Why, she was called the "It Girl" herself, and everyone who was anyone knew her name. She was simply the cat's meow! And when she transitioned to the Talkies, well, let me tell you, it was quite the hullabaloo. That Clara Bow, she was a real firecracker, she was!


Well, I really liked the car chase through the shopping mall scene in The Blues Brothers, but can I tell someone younger that that is cooler than Fast and Furious CGI? Same thing with Fay Wray King Kong (which I didn't see in theaters, but enjoyed on after school television.) Same thing with Bruce Lee movies.


I may have been too harsh saying they grew up on garbage. Because there have been many excellent movies since the times of Demolition Man. Many movies that I love. For example, I loved the movie Willow and felt like it really wasnt getting enough love, but then Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring came out and blew everybodys nips off!

Granted Willow finally got a series (which I havent seen yet) but I guarantee it wouldnt have seen the light of day if not for Lord of the Rings bringing such a massive new interest in fantasy genre.

I understand your point, it is sensible.

I was just shocked that a major star I grew up with was basically a nobody to this younger guy xD so it was my first time experiencing the generation gap.


To be honest, I know how Snipes is but the only film I've ever seen him in is New Jack City (good film, just for the record) and I really have no desire to see any of the films you mentioned. I was the target demographic (teenaged to 20-something American male) for when the films came out. Just no real interest. I "missed out" on a ton of the mid-80s to 1990s action films. I've only seen one Van Damme film and never seen a Seagal film.


The bizarre thing is Demolition Man was so out of place with its concept of a future "utopia" (was actually a dystopia youll find out) however with the political correctness these days, Demolition Man was ahead of its time! Wesley Snipes played one of my favorite movie villains in this one. You can tell he had a blast being the bad guy.


I guess I AM the generation gap because I rarely watch any current movies. To me, they just don't stand up to movies from the 1940s through the 1990s. And, there are still a lot of old movies I haven't seen yet.


I’m think the same, but I’m a 60s-90s guy.


Close enough! I guess we're gappers.


Your problem is that there were great movies then, and there are still great movies. I mean I'm probably your age and I find all those movies you listed to be dull as dirt.

The way not to be that "older person" like your parents is to realize that the art of cinema is not dead and it can't really die. There will always be great new films if you look for them.


That is a good positive mindset to have.



I liked that movie where Wesley Snipes was in drag. Hahaha.


It that Too Wan Foo ?


Yeah, To Wong Foo or Egg Foo Yung, something like that!


Only drag I liked was Mrs. Doubtfire.




Roadhouse and Blade wearing womens clothes. Not for me.

If you think Blade and Demolition Man are "dull as dirt" then what action movies do you like?


I dunno. I love Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson. That's as action as I get I guess.


With all the remakes and reboots there is also a generation gap in terms of which version of a film/TV show you are familiar with. The Addams Family is a recent example. Although it was made before I was born I still like the 1964 version, never watched the one with Raul Julia even though it was a big deal at the time and part of my generation and have no interest in this new one.


As much as I liked the two movies with Raul Julia and Christina Ricci, I truly love the new show called Wednesday!

The reruns of the old show played when I was a child, but I preferred the movies in the early 1990's. As for shows, I liked the old Muensters over the old Addams Family.
