MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your LEAST favorite genre of tv s...

What's your LEAST favorite genre of tv shows

Like what types of shows do you hate or just don't care for. For me its...

1. Reality Shows. I've only watched 2 reality shows in my entire lifetime. Survivor & The Amazing Race. And that was almost 2 decades ago. I've never seen a single episode of the Karadashians, Real Housewives, Jersey Shore or whatever else people go crazy for.

2. Medical Dramas. With the exception of Scrubs & House MD, I really don't care for them. Take away the sick patients & most of them honest feel like soap operas. With their relationship dramas & love triangles.

3. Court Room Shows. With the exception of Boston Legal & Better Call Saul, I really don't like Court room shows. Most of them feel very samey.

4. Cop Shows. I don't hate 'em, I just got burnt out on 'em. Used to watch A LOT of them in the early to late 2000s. Then the 2010s came along & I felt like I've seen 'em all. They were mostly the same. Predictable & repetitive.


I pretty much hate procedural doesn't matter the genre. It feels like I am watching the same thing over and over. I prefer serialized shows.
I avoid reality shows and sitcoms..I have ran across some decent sitcoms but it's always by accident.....I never seek them out.


Same. I'm burnt out on the entire genre.


Reality shows are the worst, in my book. The only reality-type shows I've watched are ones like Border Patrol or whatever it was called. I was interested in what kind of crap border agents have to deal with and the kinds of things criminals try to smuggle into the country. And I've watched a couple of shows that followed "flying" doctors, who flew to medical emergencies such as road crashes or farm accidents. Again, it was just to see what they deal with every day.

I don't watch courtroom or cop shows, either. As you mentioned the stories have all been done before, and I'm tired of stories involving drug crimes.


You know what the most popular reality shows are usually about? Rich people & their problems. Also, good looking people literally screwing each other. They have multiple seasons & multiple spinoffs & watched by millions.

Yeah, I don't get it. Some of the dumbest & self absorbed people you'll ever lay your eyes on. And people eat that shit up




THANK YOU! Nailed it. That's where we're at with these shows


1. Reality Shows for a start there is nothing "real" about them, all scripted and contrived. The genre might have had some potential but they killed it pretty quickly.

2. Court room - Always boring unless they take an outlandish approach like Boston Legal but even that sucked.

3. Shows that really should be about something else but they give it a Police or Medical backdrop. An example is Lucifer, you would think that the Lord of Darkness living above ground would be interesting enough but they have to tie it into police work. So many eps become nothing more than a Police procedural.

4. SJW shows, these are usually Police or Medical but can be anything. Where they just use the show as a platform to preach politics characters even making speeches that are irrelevant to what little story exists.


Oh man, I really don't get the hype for Lucifer. I really really wanted to like it cause I love Supernatural/Fantasy stuff.

Thought it'd be right up my alley but nope. They literally turned what might've been an interesting show into a straight up police procedural. As you said, so many episodes are dedicated to solving a case & catching the bad guy.

I barely made it through season 1. I was looking for something different but then I realized I was just watching a cop show.


I was somewhat intrigued by the concept but I agree they have done it really badly. No chemistry between Lucifer and the female cop who are meant to be soul mates or whatever really brings it down too. As well as Lucifer just coming off as a spoiled brat with Daddy issues.

Yeah they do it a lot. There was that show "Forever" that was about an immortal man which I from memory I think they turned into a medical procedural.


Competition/contest shows like The Voice or The Masked Singer. Like awards shows, I find these excruciatingly BORING.

Sitcoms are no longer funny, either. I can't remember the last time I followed one.


The only time I watch an award show is when Ricky Gervais is hosting. Love his roasts.

Otherwise, I don't even bother.


Reality shows of course - utter garbage!


And yet, they're so freaking popular. Watched by millions & millions.

I genuinely don't understand it. It's just all garbage.


I can't think of another genre I am fundamentally disqualifying.


Oh god, I absolutely agree with "reality" tv 😣 I can't bear any of these awful shows.


daytime talk shows are terrible.


Music competition shows
