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Top 20 Favorite Films

The favorite and top 3 list are way too hard but I see they are getting a lot of participation. Letโ€™s do a top 20. ๐Ÿ˜„

My current list:

The Italian Connection (1972)
Jaws (1975)
The Wild Geese (1978)
Suspiria (1977)
The Man From Deep River (1972)
Buffalo 66 (1998)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
Rolling Thunder (1977)
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Street Law (1974)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Killing Zoe (1993)
Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill! (1965)
Come and See (1985)
Pieces (1982)
Death Proof (2007)
Aguirre, The Wrath of God (1972)
The Thing (1982)


Sorry, but I am unable to do 20. The best I can do is 25, and even with that, I'm gonna kinda cheat on the last one.
In chronological order ...
. 1) Casablanca (1942)
. 2) The Court Jester (1955)
. 3) Forbidden Planet (1956)
. 4) 12 Angry Men (1957)
. 5) Ben-Hur (1959)
. 6) The Apartment (1960)
. 7) Spartacus (1960)
. 8) The Guns of Navarone (1961)
. 9) The Hustler (1961)
10) To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
11) A Thousand Clowns (1965)
12) King of Hearts (1966)
13) Patton (1970)
14) Walkabout (1971)
15) Jeremiah Johnson (1972)
16) Chinatown (1974)
17) The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
18) Excalibur (1981)
19) Local Hero (1983)
20) The Terminator (1984)
21) Black Widow (1987)
22) Black Rain (1989)
23) The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
24) The Last Samurai (2003)
25) The Lord of the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003)
and yes, I do own all of these on either Blu-ray or DVD


My favorite scene in The Guns of Navarone is when he tells Miller that his by standing days are over!


beyond the valley of the dolls
spiderman - into the spider-verse
the cement garden
mad max fury road
a ghost story
it's such a beautiful day

sing street
singin' in the rain
in the company of men
the evil dead
brand upon the brain
paddington 2
repo man
buffalo 66


So glad Aguirre is on your list. A few weeks ago I got to see a private screening of it in a theater. It was absolutely great to watch it on the big screen.


I love seeing Dogtooth on someone else's list๐Ÿ‘


It's Such a Beautiful Day!

That was one of the ones I really moaned over including. It's so good!

Excellent list, damosuzuki1. So many great picks, "deep cuts", and so forth, and I think I'm going to add a bunch of films on your list that I haven't seen. Don't know what The Cement Garden is, but anybody who digs Sing Street knows what he (or she) is talking about.


hey, thanks!

the cement garden is a pretty personal choice, really tied to the time and place i saw it... i really like it, obviously, but i also will say that it's far from perfect, and in some ways it probably isn't even a really good movie. but i'll never forget the experience of seeing it in a theatre, and it's never really left my head, and i love it when movies have that kind of impact on me.

if you ever catch it, please come back and let me know what you thought.


I hear you. My own list was compiled based on the prompt favourite films, which is not necessarily what I think the *best* films are - from, like, some kind of "artistic" standpoint, but just films that I think are personally awesome. I did have a lot of overlap, but if I was just doing pure "best ever films", I'd have made room for Citizen Kane, The Godfather, or The Bicycle Thieves.

I often think about what I call the "Eleanor Rigby - Get Back Dichotomy". Eleanor Rigby is an amazing achievement of artistry, and under just about any rubric would be the "superior" song to Get Back, yet I'm far more likely to listen to the driving rock song.

All this to say: I appreciate what you're saying about The Cement Garden. That said, the fact that it's more personal, maybe flawed, but still made the list...well, it just makes me want to see it more.


Here are the movies I've rated on Imdb lately as 8-10/ out of 10
The Kid Detective 2020
Cam 2018
Haunt 2019
Mama 2013
Dr. Mr. Gacy 2010
Half Nelson 2016
Lars and the Real girl 2007
I Care a lot 2020
Mortal Kombat 2021


Some Like It Hot!, St. Vincent, Goodfellas, and to many more for me to name


1. Badlands
2. Le samourai
3. Killing them softly
4. Apocalypse now
5. Bottle rocket
6. Breathless (1960)
7. Ghost dog (the way of the samourai)
8. Hard eight
9. Le doulos
10. Red rock West
11. The long Goodbye
12. Down by law
13. The big sleep
14. The driver
15. Inside llewyn Davis
16. Vanishing point
17. Inherent vice
18. Body heat
19. All the presidents men
20. Blood simple


1. Jaws
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. Superman the Movie
4. 2001 a space odyssey
5. Alien
6. Young Frankenstein
7. The Right Stuff
8. Aliens
9. Ben-Hur
10. Stand by Me
11. Die Hard
12. LA Confidential
13. Animal House
14. Zodiac
15. Forbidden Planet
16. The Thing 1982
17. Apollo 13
18. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
19. The Shining
20. Monty Python and the Holy Grail


I like this. The 20 film limit means I have to make choices, but it's broad enough to allow me to include a lot of films. Even with a top 10, I often feel like I have to leave too many out.

A note on my selections: even with a generous 20 film list, I still had a LOT of whittling to do. After some soul-searching, I found myself with 40+ films on my "short" list. Further whittling brought me down to 34 at which point some cuts got painful.

To that end, I found myself doing a bit of the "representative" thing, which is to say I took two Woody Allen films as representative of his work, even though I could have maybe thrown down a dozen of them onto the list. The Coen Brothers got a similar treatment, as did Hitchcock. I'd also select from genres, slicing out a lot of sci-fi to make room for a couple representatives - I could have thrown in a lot more.

Oh, and don't ask me to actually order them. Hard enough putting together the list at all, let alone actually ranked...

Here goes...

Annie Hall
Match Point
The Meaning of Life
Star Wars
Seven Samurai
8 1/2
The Matrix
Spirited Away
The Third Man
Rear Window
Dr. Strangelove
The Lord of the Rings (it's three films, but I'm squashing it into one entry)
The Maltese Falcon
From Russia with Love
A Christmas Carol (Alistair Sim)

Augh. There's so much pain. I left out so many great films. Augh.

I'll have to come back tomorrow and edit this, apologize, and replace half these films with others.


โ€œI'll have to come back tomorrow and edit this, apologize, and replace half these films with others.โ€

You are so right and a top 50 would be much easier. In fact a top 50 thread would be even more fun. ๐Ÿ˜€


50 and I think I could have basically fit my original shortlist...


Nice choices Ace ๐Ÿ‘




the top of my head

the treasure of the sierra madre
key largo
the searchers
the thing
the day the earth stood still
village of the damned
forbidden planet
the exorcist
the omen
the longest day
ben hur
the changeling
the wild bunch
the dirty dozen
judgment at nuremberg
schindler's list


I love how you hold The Changeling in such high regard. Great film with a great star.
