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Pentagon Confirms Leaked Photos, Video Of Unidentified Flying Objects

Pentagon officials have confirmed that leaked photos and video of “unidentified aerial phenomena” were real, captured in 2019 by a Navy pilot.

The identity of the triangle- or pyramid-shaped aerial objects remains a mystery. The Defense Department isn’t sharing what it knows.

Is it a real extraterrestrial UFO or just a new type of aircraft?


It's interesting footage and there are lots of eye witness accounts out there from very serious people ( military, law enforcement, professionals, educated people ) and some of it is very 'compelling' as the newsman stated...I don't disbelieve, the universe is unimaginably vast and supposedly still expanding

However, why would super intelligent, extremely technological lifeforms need to voyeur us, we would seem to have very little to offer them


I would think it’s the same reason we study monkeys, ants or life on a cellular level. Could be scientists studying us.


Fair point, we might just be an ant farm for some beings 'out there' and watched as pure entertainment

Maybe our stupid wars and riots are like sporting events for them...I think there is life on other unknown planets but ''they" wouldn't need our resources if they can manage galactic travels

Coal and Oil would likely bore them

Who knows mojo?


> ... why would super intelligent, extremely technological lifeforms need to voyeur us, we would seem to have very little to offer them

Don't know if you're into Star Trek but I recommend The Next Generation season 3 episode 4 "Who watches the watchers" and season 4 episode 15 "First Contact".


Thank you Msegmex, I appreciate the heads up

I'm not a 'Trekkie' but I'll look those eps up on wiki

Nice to meet you btw


Thanks, nice to meet you, too. If you have the opportunity to watch them, they're worth the time.


Wouldn't super intelligent, extremely technological lifeforms have some sort of stealth technology?


I’ve seen more convincing UFOs on my Atari 2600. All those videos show me is how poorly designed are the camera systems used by the military are despite costing a fortune of money to make.


The corollary is aliens only seem to visit Billy Bob down by the bayou, instead of landing at M.I.T.

What I mean is we never get a really good picture or video.


Your video didn't work for me so here is the original:

I have seen with my bare eyes strange objects that sit in the sky and don't move.

One was like the metallic drone in the video. It sat stationary in one spot for 15 minutes on a clear day. It then faded and reappeared on the other side of the sky. This was about 20 years ago.

Recently at the beach I saw a white object flying in the sky that was so hard to see I was monitoring it with my peripheral vision.

It sat extremely high in the sky. Could have been a spy plane.

If aliens exist, they might already live here on earth. Perhaps a patch of ocean on google maps is actually an island with masking technology.


Fascinating footage with no good explanation.

