MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Han solo is better character than Indian...

Han solo is better character than Indiana jones

So you have han solo who is this real guy, has good and bad ways and can make mistakes

This Indians Jones guy is too good at getting away from trouble, if he is in trouble he just fly a plane, or break a wall, or use whip to jump away, or just do all these tricks.

Even though han solo is a space guy he feel more real than this adventure guy who actually live on earth

So Harrison Ford is wrong



I’m not big on Bollywood.


😁you sly fox you lol
I've read this OP several times today, it's possibly MC's first masterpiece!


I’m here all week.


Ha ha. He turned his head to children who were being sexually assaulted on a daily basis and made to suffer throughout life.

He was like a dad to River Phoenix - in making sure his abusers never faced prosecution?

Steven Spielberg is another one who allows kids to be sexually assaulted for life.

I don't even think they're proper satanists, I think they're willing to do the dirty work just for fame and money, without official titles.


Yes this is why you should never trust Harrison Ford or any of these actor guys


Right, just give him an award for his excellent acting. And Spielberg deserves an honorary award for his humanitarianism as well.


Indiana Jones is greedy AF tho'. If not because of his father (James Bond) he would have had fallen into a bottomless pit just because of a cup.


For me, Indiana Jones is a more interesting and fun character.


"That's just like, your opinion, man" -The Dude

And in reality, I think that Indy was in more slugfests than Han was. He didn't just run away every time.


Yeah and he always win he is like Mary sue almost


Hardly, he’s constantly being captured, double-crossed and frightened by snakes 🐍

Yes, Indy is a cinematic hero so he will ultimately survive, but that doesn’t really make him deserving of being labeled with another lame millennial buzz term like Mary Sue. That’s a Lazy Susan to me.


I did not see him be capture by snakes

And Mary sue makes sense and was invented by star trek people long time ago


I think you misunderstood me but it’s funny so I’ll let it slide. You’re ok kid 😆


Han Solo got ruined in ROTJ, but I definitely enjoy the rogue character more than the annoyingly smug Indiana Jones.


I agree. Han Solo is a swoon-inspiring badass and you can totally believe that Princess Leia would totally change her mind about men after spending time with him, Indiana Jones just isn't that interesting. He's someone things happen to, more than someone who makes things happen.

which is more of a problem with writing than the actor, but the fact is, Ford isn't a very good actor. But sometimes he's just so, so, right...


Yes very good explanation. I like these Indiana Jones films but this character has something missing for me. He just fights, escape, jump around. It is not enough
