MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is making 'Best of' lists and charts mor...

Is making 'Best of' lists and charts more a guy thing?

Us blokes, we love compiling 'best of' lists and charts for pretty much anything, but do you think it's more of a guy thing? I haven't come across many ladies who do this.


The only lists Women should be making are for the grocery store.




We know him. He's one of "us".


I hate lists on message boards. We're all anonymous us here, so WHO CARES what an individual's least loved/most loved things are? It's meaningless.


I agree. I hate thread topics that call for nothing more than posting a list. I usually scan some very quickly and rarely do I respond. All too often, the same movies are mentioned over and over again. Where's the discussion?


I skip those posts; don't even scan them.


The only reason I scan some of them is that occasionally, I'll spot a title I'm unfamiliar with and which intrigues me somewhat.


A-ha! So they are useful then.


I never claimed they weren't. Ignore, briefly scan, read each's all about how one chooses to deal with any given list.


It’s not meaningless in my opinion. If I enjoy a certain genre and I am able to see other users favorites list that pertain to that genre, then often times I find films I haven’t heard of. I love watching films without reading anything about them first, like going in blind. I watch all kinds of films in this way from list right here off MC. If I remember correctly I discovered Buffalo 66 (1998) in this way and now it’s one of my all time favorites.


💯 mojo


Nevertheless, do you think it matters more to men (in an anal, OCD way)?


No opinion on that.....


I don’t see it that way. For me it’s interesting to see what people’s tastes are and the list threads often lead to a more detailed discussion of the topic. Also it pinpoints the users who share your tastes and I personally look out for their contributions in other threads if I want to discuss things I love with likeminded people in a more mutual exchange of ideas type of way.

Everyone’s different I guess.


Yeah, I think so.
But I do like to participate in those threads. To see who has what taste, hidden treasures, that kind of thing.


It just seems really important to men, in an anal, OCD way.


Have you ever seen Diner, 1982?
One of the men, (it's very much a movie about men), is so OCD about his music, and how his records are arranged, that his wife is not allowed to touch them. Ever. They're showing the exact thing you're talking about. It's a funny movie.


Sounds like a documentary about me, lol.


Another film that comes to mind is High Fidelity. John Cusack’s character makes a list of everything and I always feel an affinity with that, I can see a lot of myself in that character.


I like lists but "best of's" kind of bore me. I don't think you can really compare art so easily.


I like making lists..So its not all guy stuff.
