MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is there any logical reason weed is stil...

Is there any logical reason weed is still illegal?

It really doesn’t make sense honestly, look at how volatile alcohol is and how they behave vs how people respond to weed, it’s night and day. Couldn’t they be wasting those valuable resources on real crimes with victims?


Alcohol can be more controlled than cannabis. A person could drink one or two beers and not hardly feel it. Where is after a few good tokes on a joint the high will hit you within seconds. And it can affect each person differently. I'll never forget how f**ked up I got the first time I tried it. It was either potent weed, or it just had a very potent effect on me or both. But now, I prefer ingesting cannabis oil, as it's easier on the body that way. It doesn't harm your lungs. Smoking is hard on the lungs and whole cardiovascular system. Many people I see toking, it sounds like their gonna cough up a lung or die.


If people have choice of legal cannabis they can choose which they want, so choose which strength or style, so less chance of having bad time.


But that doesn't mean they'll choose wisely. Someone naive to it could try it for perhaps the first time and take too much. It's still a drug. It makes sense to me why it's been illegal for so long and still is in some places. When you use the cannabis oil, it doesn't hit you right away. The high comes on gradually and peaks at some point. But you could still take too much and experience adverse effects.


You are just making up situation but mine is base on fact, also if you smoke you can just do small amount, if you eat oil and do not like it you are stuck till oil leave your body, could be much worse time


I'm not making up anything. I've used oil and tried smoking it. People are just I denial about cannabis. There are dangers that come with it.


"You can't be trusted to choose wisely."
Love it when the gen pop are accused of this.

Pot is not deadly. You cannot die from an overdose. People who administer it via edibles can sometimes get a higher dose than they want but that only results in a long nap or some very short term discomfort. Make that same mistake with alcohol and you could die.

There is disparity in the law regarding this.


A fools logic.


You must have a dog in this race if it's come to this.


I'd try it but I won't until its completely legalized.


I say to each their own as long as they aren't harming anyone else's life or property with it. I've never touched the stuff and I doubt I ever will.

I do have a big problem with people who walk around in public smelling from it. I think that smell is worse than Body Odor. From what I've been told it used to smell a lot better in the 70s and 80s than it does now.


Not in my view. What's really insane is that it is still illegal under federal law, so all of these states that are regulating and taxing recreational sales are essentially participating in a criminal enterprise.


america still has this puritanical streak.


Government might, but the people don't. Over half the States' have either medical or recreational marijuana and almost 70% of Americans think it should be legal on the Federal Level. Unfortunately though, neither Trump or Biden are in favor of legalization. Trump thinks it should be left up to the States' and Biden is only in favor of decriminalization.


I'm too stoned to say for sure.


I will never recognized the unjust prohibition of cannabis. Been smoking for almost 20 years and growing for around 10. And although this is anecdotal evidence, my lungs are fine. A few years ago I experienced a skiing mishap and had to get a chest x-ray (glades are dangerous lol.) I discussed my smoking habits with the doctor and she said my lungs were "perfect."


As long as society and tax payers don't have to look after them when all the consequences kick in, I don't care. I feel the same about idiots who like to drive too fast, drink or eat too much etc.

Freedom comes at a price.
