MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Old IMDB Forum Posts.

Old IMDB Forum Posts.

This is a rant.

And apologies to MovieChat because it's not your fault.


I hate clicking into a film's forum only to see dozens of threads written before the film came out!

Dozens of dull discussions about whether the right actors were cast; whether it will be true to the book/comic/historical fact.

It's too great a task but if MovieChat could hive off these posts into a separate "Pre-release forum", that would be great.

Here is an example from the Beauty and the Beast (2017) forum.


How about no.


I love the old posts they add a feel of nostalgia to this website, like its IMDb’s bastard son!

Old posts are fun to read, sometimes informative and I even reply to them with other active users keeping sometimes decade old threads alive.

It’s just a shame not every single post was saved before the downfall in my opinion, the connection to IMDb is part of the lure and appeal of MovieChat for me.


I love the old posts, too.

That's why I come here.

Often it's to find out some information about something I didn't understand about the film from other viewers.

I just find speculation / opinions about a forthcoming film to be tedious and pointless.

Especially when said speculation is about a now-released film.

It's a pity IMDB didn't set up two forums for each film: Pre-release and Post-release.


Pre-release and Post-release is a good idea but it seems a lot of work for the many films that get released every year, I suppose it could of just been highlighted on the big budget ones that tend to get a lot of traffic but there would always be a film that slipped through the net and surprised everyone with its popularity.

Understand what you mean though.


the non-labor-intensive ersatz solution is that newer threads go to the top of the page, no ?

i mean, do those older threads get in the way of the newer? i don't think so....


You are, of course, correct.

However, if I am looking for an answer to a query I have, or if I just want to read as many opinions from people who have seen the film, I want to go back to the first posts that contain those opinions.

In a forum containing 100s of threads, that a pain.

Although I admit, just a minor pain.


That's never going to happen. Maybe they could highlight a topic a different colour of it was written before release.


Probably not gonna happen, but make new posts and give the forum for the movies you like life again 🙂


the greatest virtue of this site is that a pre-existing and editable repository of imdb posts are maintained.

that's why i came here too.

what does it say about corporate creed that a site with the clout & traffic & monetization of imdb couldn't see its way clear to maintain a decades-old forum infrastructure, at virtually no cost to themselves.

kudos to moviechat & a few other sites for keeping this resource viable. this one is my go-to.


Just don't read them. It's that simple.

Pre-release forums are interesting because people are just sharing their excitement about a movie they can't wait to see. I used to feel that way about a new Star Wars movie before Disney ruined them.


"Just don't read them. It's that simple."

My god!

You're right!

Why didn't I think of this?!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I normally watch a film then go to the relevant board and scroll though the threads chronologically. I completely understand where you're coming from, but I normally skip the pre-release stuff. I think that it's unlikely that your suggestion will happen.
