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Question about Ouija boards

Firstly, I don't believe in supernatural ghosts etc.

But I find the notion of Ouija boards a strange one, for a specific reason. Let's be honest... I don't care if people have stories of using them and having bad experiences quite often when they were younger. They can believe what they want to believe...but the fact that there are fingers on the planchette will always mean that someone is moving it. Dont care what anyone says...thats a stone cold fact.

However...let me throw one concept into the equation...poltergeists.

Surely, if these phenomena exist as some people believe...then wouldn't it make more sense for a poltergeist to move the planchette unaided without human hands on it?

If people believe in such things, wouldnt this be more effective and dare I say it...believable...?


"Why doesn't the spirit move the planchette?"

For the same reason that a spirit doesn't just call you on the phone, ring your doorbell or go bowling with you. It's not easy for a discarnate body to move a physical object (no hands) or communicate (no mouth). Why believe it's so easy? To be fair, I can't push a car and I have a physical body.

"Why is a planchette needed?"
It's not. It's just a tool. The ouija board isn't needed either. It's like using a phone instead of yelling out the window.

There's plenty, but new ideas, including in science, are sometimes met with skepticism. Even hard evidence is discounted. Ask Galileo, Bruno and Semmelweis. Nevertheless, there are studies and evidence:

University of Virginia: Division of Perceptual Studies

University of Edinburgh

The University of Arizona SOPHIA (2008 - present) Research Programs

"Do spirits/ghosts exist?"

What if a spirit is just consciousness? Some scientists described consciousness as a form of matter. Matter aka: energy can't be created nor destroyed. What happens to it after the body dies since it can't be destroyed? I guarantee everyone will eventually find out.


"it's not easy for a discarnate body to move a physical object". So how do poltergeists manage to do it?

I love the notion that there appear to be rules about what spirits can and can't do, even though there is no proof that they even exist...and incidentally none of the links you have provided constitute any sort of proof whatsoever. They are just theories, supposition and 'what if's?'.

It's also a typical response to a very logical question like 'why don't poltergeists move the planchette instead of having fingers on it', the typical response is 'It does'ent work that way', and also usually followed by 'You just don't understand'.


"I love the notion that there appear to be rules about what spirits can and can't do"

If they exist, laws of physics apply. Where don't they apply?

"So how do poltergeists manage to do it?"

If poltergeists exist. Just because one person/poltergeist can do something doesn't mean all can. I still can't push a car.

You never used a ouija board. I have. You don't need a planchette. Nor a ouija board. Like I said, they're just tools. Just be direct and ask the spirit to prove it exists by doing something like appearing, moving an object, phone call, etc. at a specific time with witnesses or a camera filming.

I don't recommend you really do it, but if you're curious...


We are not talking about laws of physics, we are talking about the apparent laws and rules about what spirits and poltergeists can and cannot do.

Where do these rules come from and who made them? And surely if such rules exist, that means the phenomena must have been proven to be real...and i certainly don't recall that ever happening. Just a lot of people who have convinced themselves that it's real, but its only real to them and no one else.


If you want a fun movie on the subject watch Witchboard 1986, with Tawny Kitaen. I watched it yesterday 8/10.


Will anyone here admit to having controlled the thingamajig to say what they wanted?


Yep I have done that.


Be very careful. One time my uncle was aaasdSVDC X
