MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Electric kettles, yay or nay?

Electric kettles, yay or nay?

Do you have one? If so, do you like it?

There was one at my last place. I'd always used a regular stove-top whistling kettle. But now that I have a kitchen again, a regular kettle takes too long to boil, plus just sits there most of the time taking up burner space.

So I ordered an electric kettle and I'm very pleased! Plus it feels like a toy because it lights up around the base and looks like an alien space craft ✌️


Dunno never had one. Propane heats the kettle pretty quick or I can use the nuker for a little faster results.


I never did either, and couldn't understand the appeal, but now I get it. It may be my imagination but to me nuked water tastes different, and not in a good way.


I love my hot tea. I've been wanting an electric glass one for a while now. One of these days I'll trade my whistling kettle for one.
Maybe my kids can get me one for Mother's Day! 😉


The one I got is glass. Discovered from the last one (not mine), which was also glass, how quickly lime and mineral deposits can build up. I'd rather see it, pour in some white vinegar and water, boil, and be done with it.

Mother's Day's coming up soon, I hope your kids will buy you one! 🎁


Exactly!! My body reacts to metals so I'm sure the kettle I have isn't the best for me.

Yeah, I'll have to put a bug in their ear! Just kidding. I'm one of those mom's who don't want my kids spending their money on me. Spending time with me is what I desire. 😊


Oh, well if your body reacts to metals, you're much better off getting a glass electric kettle.

If your kids are anything like me, they not only want to spend time with their mom, they also want to buy her a Mother's Day present that's something she really wants and will enjoy! So, you know, let them know 😊



My kids do. But they're hard at work paying for college, car payments, etc. I don't need things from them to know they love and appreciate me. We've been spending lots of time together during the pandemic. Lots of games, some movies, etc. so in some ways I'm kind of enjoying it (not enjoying hearing about death though!)

But it's not like I couldn't get a kettle on my own. They're reasonable and not too costly IF they wanted to go in on it together just to give me something, that would be fine. My mom's the same way "don't get me anything!!" but of course I still do! 😁 For me, Mother's Day is about MY mom, not me. Someday my mom won't be here. Then I guess it can be about me. Hopefully that day is a long ways away. 🙂

Nice talking to you, Cat. ☺️


Yes, exactly! My mom used to say the same, but I wanted to. So if I knew there was something she really wanted, I'd have been thrilled to know and get it for her.

That someday arrived for me several years ago. I miss her very much, and think about her almost every day. I hope that someday is many years from now for you 😊

Nice chatting with you too, N&N :)


We have a De Longhi: -

Yay me for knowing something kitchen related.


*gasps* *keels over*

How is this possible? But yes, yay, you!

That's a nice one. Mine's a different brand, but also Italian-made.


Yeah, I’m going to quit while I’m ahead, lol.


I have both an electric kettle and a stove-top whistler. I purchased the electric one a couple of years ago, and even though I like my whistler a lot, I find it easier and quicker to use the electric one. Mine is a very basic one - no bells and whistles 😉 - and it works just fine.


Do you use your whistler? I can't think of any reason to now I have this. It is quicker and easier, and it turns off by itself if I don't catch it fast enough. Other than that, it has no bells and definitely no whistles.


I admit that it has been quite a while since I used my whistler because the electric is so easy. I may pull out my whistler again, though. I like hearing the whistle - it's comforting, in a way.


As soon as the thrift shops start accepting donations again, I'm packing up my whistler with a bunch of other stuff I don't want or need. It seems having to live in a minimalistic way at the studio cottage has rubbed off on me.

But if you find yours comforting and you like it, that's reason enough to keep it.


I have visions of going through things and readying stuff to donate when those places reopen, but haven't gotten to it yet. I suspect I'll have plenty of time to accomplish this, unfortunately.


It'll be so nice when that happens. Weirdly, I got a message yesterday that the county I live in has started re-opening plans, yet when I went to a grocery store masks are now mandatory to enter. Yet the dog park they'd closed had been reopened? 🤷‍♀️


It IS confusing. I suspect re-opening the world is going to be rocky.


I suspect the same. You're probably going to do what I'm going to do: proceed cautiously and slowly.


Exactly. I won't be running out to the shops like I used to.


electric all the way.



Never had gas and stove top heating kettles would use up too much energy to heat. Depending on how much one wants to spend on quality and looks, there are some nice electric electric kettles out there and the one before my current one, lasted for yonks.


About how long is yonks? 5 years, 10?


Oh, I can't really recall, but it was an aqua colored kettle jug I had and I would say between 7-10yrs. I was sorry to have to let it go. Can't recall brand name. I have a nice black Russell Hobbs at present. Had for about 4yrs and paid over 50 bucks for it.


7-10 years was a good run. Nice to know this new purchase is going to stick around for a while.


theyse great


Brit here, it's alien to us to not have an electric kettle. I had £0 when I moved into my flat many years ago, but I still made sure I had £10 put aside to get a kettle lol. And teabags of course ☕👍
