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Something I've noticed 🚗

When my state (MN) first went into lockdown, daily traffic declined. A lot. But this week, it seems that the amount of traffic has rebounded to normal levels. I've noticed the 4:30 pm traffic rush is back. I can't help but wonder why that is. Are folks resisting the lockdown? Or are they just tired of being stuck at home and going for a drive? Who knows?


I’ve been noticing the same thing here in Louisiana.


Traffic is still way down here in NY but we did a grocery run and the store was packed
People were being fairly polite and reasonable which was a bit surprising (in a good way!)

Maybe they're all going for groceries..?


Lockdown cannot go on forever. Life has to continue.


traffic is way down here - for now.


A short time ago the "youngsters" and their "hot" cars were getting a bit jinky on the nearby main drag. Challengers, Mustangs, and big bad pickup trucks, revving engines, and speeding (of course). A little spring fever, I guess. Or cabin fever.


The other day there was a "youngster" in his hot Mustang tearing up the (now vacant) parking lot on this little street where I live. Wasn't hurting anyone, but it was LOUD, roaring engine and screechy tires. Normally is so quiet here. I figured it was a combo of cabin and spring fever.


I think I'll chalk it up to cabin fever. The episode I mentioned is not normal around here. Even though I'm only about a mile from the local university, because it's closed I figured it's locals who are going stir crazy, rather than out-of-town students. Oh, and there were a number of motorcycle riders too, involved in that mayhem. And for some reason, I've heard quite a few fireworks going off tonight, too. 🤔


I went outside for the first time in a while today and as we drove to a store passing the park I noticed more people running than usual. Before the lockdown I would run and there were then less people running on average than I saw today.


I've noticed this, too. A lot more folks out walking, running, and riding bikes than what I usually see.


There is a big uptick in joggers and families walking about here too...Everyone maintains a reasonable distance so it's nice to see👍


This "shelter at home" thing has changed a lot of things. My local gym that I go to every day is closed for I don't know how long! I just walk around the block a couple of times to get some exercise.


I'm sure you're not alone in taking up walking to get some exercise. I'm actually at the point that I look forward to yard work - another form of exercise. Our weather is improving - albeit too slowly for my taste. We're headed for the 70s on Monday! Yay!
