

What do you think about the Vitamin D connection? Some doctors and scientist are raising this question.


I think that we should all be taking care of ourselves. No one else is.


What I’m saying is persons with darker skin should look into Vitamin D deficiency and discuss it with their doctor. If it’s a part of what might make them more venerable to respiratory illness then that can easily be fixed with supplements. There are, of course, many things that make any certain segment of any population more effected by Covid 19 but this is worth researching.


For some money is more important than people's lives and these tend to be the type of lizards who end up running things.


I figured they’d target the poor. I didn’t think they’d so obviously target the poor black. It makes me sick.


Always been, well, no better than middle class and frequently less than that, so never really thought about it. Usually thinking about myself.


I didn’t give a shit about any of this because if shit hits the fan I’m goin on the lam. Fortunately I have the means to. I’m pissed off because most my friends have to take the bus to their 2 jobs while dealing with ghetto shit like traps, aids, shootings... They have had to struggle every day of their lives just to have a spot in the ghetto. Now they have to deal with their own country telling them that their lives are worth nothing. I have never been so disappointed in my country. Time to start a revolution or move to Canada.


Everytime I was unhappy with where I was... I moved. It worked out in the end. But my situation was a little different from most. I was different.


This is one of the things where America is so great I imagine, so many places to move to.


The place is huge and travel is unrestricted.


Sure they matter. Just not quite as much as everyone else’s.

It depends. If you're black, blacks lives matter more than else's. If you're white, white lives matter more than else's. If you're Japanese, Japanese lives matter more than else's. If you're eskimo, eskimo lives matter more than else's. So what?.

Why are they going to open a state with the highest population of black people knowing they are the most vulnerable?

In general, the more shithole is any zone, the less it can afford to stay quarantined. That's why China could afford to stop a whole country for weeks: they have more economic resources and industry than anybody else.

The poorer you are, the sooner you must reopen. Unless you want your population to go homeless, of course.

Do you want to do better? Become less shithole. What it's really boring is people who defend woke policies, and then complain about the consequences of becoming a shithole.



Money doesn’t make you superior. I’ll tell you the difference. If you hit hard times, my poor friends would open their house to you and treat you like family. They don’t care what you have. They don’t care that you’re white. They would never think someone’s life mattered more because of skin color. They shouldn’t get help because they’re poor? You don’t care that they are more susceptible to the virus. Why should you? You’re white and only care about white people. My friends will always be superior to you. They don’t judge people based on wages and skin color. You do that. Money only means something to shallow people. My friends aren’t the ones that need to become less shithole. No matter how much you have, your personality is that of a bottom feeder. It’s too bad you can’t go buy yourself a soul.


Money doesn’t make you superior.


Some communities seem unable to create a wealthy society. Blacks, for example, can't create anything but shitholes. No matter they're in Africa, in America or anywhere else, their societies are shitholes. I honestly don't know if this is because of a cultural problem, or because the average lack of intelligence, but no matter what, this is the result.

You say that this is not being inferior. And I say fine, OK, no problemo.

If you think a shithole society is not worse, fine, OK, no problemo. But deal with the consequences. Don't ask for money. As I said, I'm sick of those people who defend shithole societies, but then complain about the consequences of having become a shithole.


Ok, why are my black friends at fault. They work 2 jobs just to be able to live in what you consider a shithole. Instead of trying to understand why they can’t get out of the ghetto when they are working 2 jobs, you just look at them with disdain and blame them. Why are white people so dismissive of black people? Black people don’t sit around and judge white people.
I’m white. I’m not from the ghetto. If you think you’re too good for the ghetto, why do you think you know something about it? I am also a privileged white girl. I wasn’t raised to believe money makes you better. I know about the ghetto because i hang out there. By choice. They are my family. It is ignorant to assume you know something about growing up black and poor. How could you? You’d rather sit on your princess stool and make your own judgements. I bet you’ve always had everything you need. Why would you look down on people for having less than you? It’s fine if you don’t care about different cultures. It is just ignorant to make judgements about people that you know nothing about. You keep feeling superior in your princess stool. I’ll be hanging with quality people. You probably don’t know them, but these are people that just act like themselves. These people understand there is never a good reason to look down on someone. Eventually you’ll get lonely judging people from your princess pad.


Instead of trying to understand why they can’t get out of the ghetto when they are working 2 jobs, you just look at them with disdain and blame them.

I don't "blame" them. I say it's a logical consequence of having and transmitting a shithole culture. You have the usual Christian obsession with blame and guilt, but this is not about blame and guilt, this is about causes and logical consequences.

And hard work doesn't change it. You have people willing to work hard to pay the bills in every fucking corner of the world, shitholes included. You think that people in Haiti, or Nigeria, or Ecuador are all lazy? Hard work is not the key element that makes a wealthy community. The key element is organization, intelligence, efficiency, meritocracy, proficiency. Do you know which is the country in Europe where people work longer hours? Greece, and then Spain, or Italy. The poorest countries in Europe are the ones that work harder.

Probably you think that the world owes you something if you work hard and suffer a lot, that's a very typical Christian moral. But the world doesn't owe you shit. If your community can't be well organized, efficient, proficient and minimally meritocratic, it'll be a shithole no matter how many hours you or anybody else works.


Lol. I’ve been called a lot of things, but no one has ever accused me of being a Christian! That’s funny. Why are you saying anything about a culture you know nothing about? What do I have to be guilty for? I’m not the one that feels superior because I’m white. Honestly, my black friends are just way more fun than my white friends. I don’t know about all the cultures. I know about the ghetto in Atlanta by asking actual black people. Why do white people act like they know about other cultures? As a white girl, why do you think you know something about being poor and black? It’s ridiculous that you’re telling me about black people. I know cause I ask. How could you possibly know anything about someone else’s culture? You know about being white. As a white girl, you think you know more about the ghetto than my actual black friends? Believing you’re in the superior race doesn’t give you white magic. Why the fuck would you think you know about any culture without asking a person from there. I can’t stand this kind of arrogance. I’ve heard it before, and it makes no sense. Girl you know about white people. Unless you are willing to slum it with people you feel are below you, all you will ever know about is being white. You could find out by asking questions, but I guess you think you know more than the people that have lived it because white knowledge trumps everything. How dare you sit there and tell me what black people need to do! I’ll go tell my friends that some white girl knows how to fix all their problems. How does she know? White magic! My black friends want nothing from white people. They don’t talk about white people. They are perfectly happy to work their asses off just to live in the place you call the shithole. I believe every American is owed a government that takes care of them. I’m disgusted to call myself an American if you only care about the white race. My black friends are American too, and I’d hope that all Americans care, regardless of race.


Why are you saying anything about a culture you know nothing about?

You don't need to know every little subtle in the Chinese culture to know they're highly hierarchical. Neither you know to live in Europe to know that protestant cultures are more meritocratic than Catholic ones.

Why do white people act like they know about other cultures? As a white girl, why do you think you know something about being poor and black?

And what's is to be known? That they suffer a lot? So what?

As I said, you have the typical emotional Christian girl mindset, with all the "oh, they're suffering!" guilt-porn. Well, guess what, that's the logical consequence when you build a society that dismissed meritocracy, organization and proficiency. Emotional rants like yours are not gonna change that. You have a comfortable life because your ancestors built an efficient, organized and productive society. That's the only way.

Unless you are willing to slum it with people you feel are below you, all you will ever know about is being white.

Well, guess what, I have hanged out with people from all over the world. And by the way, I ain't come from a rich house. When I was a kid, I had to wash the clothes scrubbing them in the basin because there was no washing machine. And my shoes used to have holes for quite a few years.

Hanging out and having some fun with different people is easy. The problem appears when you have to settle and build a community. White Christian girls like you love to feel all that guilt-porn, but when you decide to settle and raise your children, you move as far from any ghetto as you can. That's the true test.


Yes. You shouldn’t ask anyone about anything because you got that white magic. As a white person you couldn’t possibly learn anything from a culture that you are far superior to. You’ll tell them how to be white like you and everything will be ok.
Anyway, I wasn’t asking anyone to feel sorry for my friends. I was asking Americans to care about other Americans. Maybe it will matter when they do something similar to your superior race. Bad news. No one cares about white. The new superior race is rich! Anything less than that does not matter.
Off to Christian church I go.


Yes. You shouldn’t ask anyone about anything because you got that white magic.

It's not magic. It's logic. As an standard over-emotional Christian white girl, you're prone to irrational thought, and you feel inclined to explain things through magic or similar. But you don't require any "white magic" to know that Sub-Saharan African societies are shitholes. The only productive society there was South Africa(*). American black communities are shitholes too. European black communities? More shitholes! Guess the common element. Clue: it's dark skinned.

I was asking Americans to care about other Americans.

Why should they? They have nothing in common but a paper, a paper that is handed out for free right now. Since western countries have become "multicultural", having the same passport doesn't mean shit. It doesn't mean you belong to same culture, or the same ethnic group, or the same nation. It's just means you live inside an artificial bureaucratic boundary which is no linked to a concept of nation anymore.

Again: choices and consequences. You can open boundaries and let a massive flood of immigration enter, but then don't expect people to care when the only remaining common ground is a bureaucratic paper. I'm sick of people who defend certain choices and then complain about their consequences.

(*) And I really mean 'was', past tense, because South Africa has become another shithole, it seems it's gonna become the first country once developed that is gonna lose the capacity to maintain a power supply and water network. That has never happened before, so good news! South Africa in on the verge of getting that prize! 😂


Why are you still writing me. I’m busy worshipping Jesus.


Being white doesn’t give you superior knowledge to all cultures. It just makes you think you know more than everyone else. This isn’t a smart way to think, but I’ve heard it before. If you want to know about another culture you can ask. Why do white people always assume their way is best? Black people don’t give a shit. They are black, they don’t need some sheltered white girl to tell them how to live. Black people want nothing from you. They like to hang with other black people because a lot of white people have a weird superiority complex. Hey white people, I promise black people want nothing from you! They don’t even talk about you! It is stupid to think the white way is the only way. Where do you get off telling other people they should act more white? You should think about what you’re saying. White people aren’t right and everyone else is wrong! No one is telling you how to live. How am I the Christian when your white ass is the one trying to shove white culture down the throats of people you know nothing about. They don’t want your white magic, I promise!


The US health care system is about profit before people and works in favor of the monied\wealthy. It makes them feel superior because they can afford to be cared for. Sick!


Which makes it in their best interest to keep us sick.


All the people who were waving their "ALL LIVES MATTER" banners are a bunch of liars. They are also willing to sacrifice the grays, senior citizens that is.


I don’t understand. Our government is supposed to work for us. They are supposed to have America’s best interest. When did money allow you to change the constitution. Money doesn’t allow our government to choose who lives and who dies. We are not supposed to just listen to rich fucks tell us whose important. It’s our country, our decision. What kind of sick fuck puts money value on people’s lives. Why do the people that have so much not want to help people that have less. These rich pricks are supposed to be working for us. We’ve impeached people for way less. These assholes are putting Americans in harms way. Nowhere Let’s help the poor Americans that deserve help, impeach these elitist fucks. If these guys want to do experiments with people’s lives, then we’ll throw their asses in there.


Remember this? It is up to us to make our government abide. We kicked England’s ass! I’m not gonna listen to a bunch of arrogant dickheads tell me whose lives matter. Our lives matter! Your money doesn’t. Pompous assholes.

Remember this guys?
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


The problem today is that citizens can't stand up to the military if it came down to it due to disparity in weapons technology that ordinary people have compared to what the military has access to. In the revolutionary days, the local farmers and militias had pretty much the same muskets as the military, so with the other advantages of having terrain familiarity and such, they were able to realistically stand up against the people in power. Nowadays, at best, ordinary citizens could engage in some sort of minor guerrilla war, but if we tried to go toe to toe, we couldn't stand up to the fighter jets and missiles etc.


I am going to try and start a revolution here. I’m a little out of touch with what other Americans are thinking, but i know montanans want to take care of their own. I wonder how difficult it would be to separate from America? This is Montana! Nobody here is sweating the military. You could get ptsd from our 4th of July show. I’m not much of a patriot, but it does make me sad that people aren’t more pissed about this. I want no part of a country that doesn’t value life equally. I refuse to be a pawn for some rich asshole. I know most people here feel the same. This is classic America. I think they were still hanging people here like 10 yrs ago.


They need to checkup for G6PD and sickle cell anemia, from my understanding in US and Europe many people don't know they have that enzyme disorder unless a full Complete Blood Count (CBC) checkup is done.

G6PD is widely spread in Southern Europe (Italy, France and Spain) the Middle East and Africa might really explain the mortality rates regarding African Americans. Vitamin D deficiency might also be a culprit as darker skin people don't develop as much.


No, they aren’t even trying to get them covid testing. They are just saying it’s fine, go outside. They are telling the people that are most likely to catch corona, the people that can’t afford good healthcare that it’s fine to go outside. Georgia is nowhere near getting rid of this. No testing, no help. The death count rises. I guess they decided that Georgia lives don’t matter. They are very aware that 50% of the people that died are black. It’s not the mortality rates that need to be explained. They know people are rapidly dying. They are ok with people dying in Georgia for some reason.
I’m in a state that has the least amount of cases. We also have testing for almost everyone. We are still on lockdown. I live in a state with low population. The whitest state in America.
I guess they think some Americans are more valuable than others.
